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  • Hi guys,

    I got my Pico earlier this week and I've been trying to get it to work with some ESP8266s I bought a couple of months ago. I flashed the pico because 1v75 doesn't include NetworkJS, but to no avail. I tried with the two flash versions available, WIZNet and CC3000 (btw, why isn't there an ESP8266 build for 1v78?), but I get the following error after a few seconds:

    Uncaught No 'ready' after AT+RST
     at line 3 col 18
      if (err) throw err;
    in function "a" called from line 1 col 100
    ...a("No 'ready' after AT+RST");else return c}
    in function "d" called from line 1 col 16
    {e=void 0;d&&d()}
    in function called from system

    Any hints? Am I doing anything obviously wrong? The ESP8266 lights up the red led when the Pico is connected, but that's about it (not sure if it is supposed to blink at some point thou).



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