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  • Hi,

    So as I'd said on the last KickStarter update we're having to re-make a bunch of Espruino boards, and as part of that:

    • Part outlines are being tweaked for less tombstoning/higher yield
    • I'm taking all the USB and BOOT0 pins of all the Picos onto the panel that they're made on. It'll mean that all of them can be programmed and tested at once, which'll really improve matters.
    • Jaltek are doing something about the breakout points so that the boards can be broken out more easily. It may result in the two 'rat bites' at the end protruding a mm or so more though :(

    But as I guess a bunch of you have got your Picos now, do you have any thoughts about things that could be tweaked in this new revision?

    Obviously I can't change things massively, and I don't want to tweak the pinout or placement, but I could for instance improve the silkscreen on the rear (I think it needs it).

    Personally I'd like to add a polyfuse, but I don't see how I could fit one in.


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