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  • Wow, that's a really interesting chip.

    There's already a version of Espruino that runs on 128kB flash, 8kB RAM. It's tight, but it does fit in with a few features removed. As flash is really the limiting factor, and on normal Espruinos some of it is used to store saved JavaScript, you could just stick a cheap SPI EEPROM/FRAM chip on the side of it.

    I think you could get something pretty usable out of it - people have been feeling a bit limited by the amount of code you can get into 48kB (so 16 would be pushing it) but I think for simple sensors and stuff it's entirely adequate.

    Espruino was also designed from the start to run from external memory - while I've never had a need to do it because 256kB uCs got cheap, it would be possible (without massive amounts of effort) to implement it. At the expense of some execution speed, you could have it running with loads of available memory.

    Anyway, obviously I'm a bit busy at the moment, but once the Picos are out the door and the inevitable firefighting is done, I'd be really interested in coming up with something based on that.

    Having said all that, the easy (and probably cheaper) solution would be to take a 256kB STM32F030 (which are $1.13 at 10k off) and slap a cheap transceiver on the side (MRF89?). Virtually no software effort required at all then.


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