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  • Assuming the firmware is ok, I would go for a not really working button... or - because the trigger is on both edges, it may not work by definition (which would though contradict the reference doc which implies both edges work by design).

    So far, I used buttons - setWatch() - only in one way...

    If needed it two ways, I do the not-repeat one one edge, but on event, do the other edge... (see Software Buttons - Many buttons from just one hardware button. Note: Because it was very early on in my Espruino experience, I did not use the times delivered with the event... today I would do so and it for sure would render in more terse code...).

    In this post about Resistive Touchscreen directly (no touch controller) I use setWatch() too with no glitches what so ever...

    Tat's why I go for a bad button (assume too that your non-standard board and firmware has not 'sicknesses'... and also that your wiring does not add additional bouncing when operating the button...).


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