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  • Yes, I'm still very tempted by another batch of F or G-spec 'classic' Espruino Boards, which would definitely give the board a bit more life. Having said that there's still a lot of scope for making the most out of the current chips (for instance you could store 'read only' data in flash, and only variables in RAM - effectively doubling the capacity).

    32k on the F030 is a bit on the small side, but you can do a lot with it. It won't be good for everything, but for wireless sensing/control it's probably perfect.

    F030RC + esp8266 is an interesting idea. It looks like you may be able to get Espruino on the esp8266 itself - but it'd be pretty cut-down, and I think the realtime aspect would go out the window (which was part of the point of Espruino).

    I still think that F030RC + a low power radio combination would be pretty awesome, but then there's always the problem of certification. To be useful for anything other than hobby it'd need CE testing, and my understanding is that CE testing on radio stuff is quite painful.


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