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  • Is is possible to get details of the current font from a Graphics object

    I'm afraid not. If you want to maintain backwards compatibility you could do:

    var g = ....;
    g._setFontVector = g.setFontVector;
    g.setFontVector = function(s) { this._setFontVector(s); save s somewhere; }

    It'd be great if you could contribute something! As you say, it's a bit too slow right now. I wonder if it can be put into a 4 or 8 bit mode? That would at least double the throughput when clearing.

    Ideally they'd have a 'fill the current window with colour x' capability, but I never found one :(

  • Great idea - that would obviously work for setFontBitmap too. I'll have to think about the custom fonts - if I "override" setCustomFont in a similar way maybe I could trap setFont8x12 etc. (its really cool the way custom fonts are implemented - I was impressed)

    Although I've programmed for years (vb, delphi, c# ...) I'm new to javascript (very basic knowledge before getting my Espruino - learning a lot)


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