• You can, just make sure the you respect the 3.3V inputs. To be on a save side with measuring floating lines, you need to have Espruino's power supply galvanically separated - DC-DC isolated power converter, for example, something like http://www.ebay.com/itm/140702578979?_tr­ksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STR­K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT and data transmission wireless.

    The connected charge controller may though interfere with your measurements - assuming you have one in place.

    Something what you can for sure measure is what's going on at your battery... but even there, if the charge controller is on / charging, you do not get the actual voltage/charge condition. Since (cheap) charge controllers can not be influence from the outside, it will be a nice challenge. More expensive charge controllers have interfaces and they provide access to the measurements which they actually do for themselves to run proper charging cycles.


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