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  • What software version 1.7 are you referring to? Do you mean Espruino firmware v71?

    There should be no issue using the CC3k in that situation.

    Is it wired correctly? Specifically, you'll get unpredictable and generally bad results if you try to power the CC3k off the 3.3v power supply on the Espruino - you need VIN on the CC3k connected to VBat, and 3v3 on CC3k not connected to anything. The Espruino's 3.3v regulator can't provide enough power to the CC3k, and if you try, it'll pull the Espruino's 3.3v supply low enough to crash the Espruino board

    Have you verified that you have the connection parameters correct? Does the example of making an http request work?

    The CC3000 can block for a very long time while trying to connect to a wireless network, particularly if it's failing to do so due to incorrect connection options (note that presently the espruino firmware only supports WPA secured networks, not unsecured or WEP (which might as well be unsecured))


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