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  • @mattbrailsford - do you have an oscilloscope? Maybe you could check and see if anything appears on the rx pin when you send data over bluetooth?

    Also, is this one of the boards that was sent out as a KickStarter reward, or another one?

    @DrAzzy - Espruino Bluetooth will work fine off USB power - it's just when it's actually communicating with the host computer that it switches the console over to USB.

    @Kalus - it could be - I've never come across a 38400 baud one (unless the 'key' pin is pulled high?). However you can change the baud rate by writing function onInit() { Serial1.setup(38400);} save();

    To try and debug it, maybe connect to your PC's USB and connect the Web IDE normally, then type the following:

    Serial1.onData(function (e) {  print("--->"; });
    setInterval(function() {
    }, 1000);

    Leave the terminal open, then start something like putty (or screen if you're on a Mac - see the Quick Start) and connect to bluetooth - and see if you see 'Hello' and/or if typing on that terminal causes something to appear in the Web IDE...


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