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  • This is impractical in most cases - and in the few cases that it is possible (and the WiFi is DEFINITELY not one), it's not something for an "absolute beginner".

    Getting wifi connectivity on an Espruino will require a solution designed for microcontrollers - Either the CC3000 module from Adafruit, or something like the more elaborate (yet curiously not higher priced) WiFly thingie (which has almost everything built in - it's pretty much a second MCU dedicated to handling wifi, which communicates with the thing you're connecting it to via UART and a few GPIO pins).

    Honestly, it's not even worth the time to scrap most things for sensors. You can pick up temperature and humidity sensors, gyros, compasses and all sortsa stuff like that generally for under $5 shipped from china via ebay - and they come on breakout boards too.


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