Thanks Gordon
I wrote a quick blog post how to drive ws2801 led modules: http://neophob.com/2014/01/espruino-and-ws2801/
The code is just a quick prototype, but I hope to find more time to create a firmware for PixelController LED Matrix software. If someone would like to contribute, be my guest!
Michu -
I was wondering what's the best way to send a data stream to the espruino, any hints about this? I first think using the USB serial functions together with a ring buffer might work. however this script:
USB.setup({baudrate:115200}); USB.onData(function(serial) { console.log("recieved "+serial.data); }); console.log("MEEP");
is a bit unhealthy and mess up the webide. at least I don't see any motd banner anymore and uploading a new "sketch" take ages...
Hey guys
I just recieved my board and start hacking. Here is a quick feedback:
- its hard to find the firmware url to update the firmware. if you boot into bootloader mode, the firmware url field is left empty
- if I connect the WebIDE there are two chrome processes (google chrome and google chrome helper) which both consume more than 100% cpu. OS: OSX v10.9.1, Chrome: Version 32.0.1700.77 and Version 32.0.1700.102
the documentation about the firmware update process is a bit unclear ("the status in the top left will change and you can disconnect..."). which status? a led? or in the ide?
- its hard to find the firmware url to update the firmware. if you boot into bootloader mode, the firmware url field is left empty
yes, I have to implement the usb protocol, after that it should be a piece of cake. however I'm off for two weeks, I'll see what I can do after it...