Hello All,
I need some clarifications about what is the proper way of managing power of the various sensors (compass, barometer, ..).
From the Espruino reference, I gather that there is a set of Bangle.setXYZPower() functions, which turn on or off the sensors, but I wonder what happens if an application is terminated or replaced, while a sensor is powered on.
Does the sensor remains up, or is it everything reset each time a new app is loaded?
Perhaps the firmware maintains a list of apps which are using the sensor, and remove the relative entry when an app exits?
Any kind of atExit() callback, in order to clean up things properly before terminating?
Thanks! -
I also found a glitch with barometer readings in one of my apps.
The first few values, after powering it up, were zeroes but then, after a while, it started reporting the altitude consistently.
Wrt settings being corrupted, I found that all apps had them erased (as if the files were removed). -
I also updated to v15, this morning.
The process completed successfully but then I was unable to launch any app (the screen displayed "loading" and then nothing else), the clock was set to GMT (I am in CEST), etc.
I then deleted and reinstalled the settings app and, although all my previous settings were gone, I was able to restore them (including timezone).
Now it seems ok .. (I hope). -
The issue is actually just the SWDIO pin (second from the right - https://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js2#hardÂware-swd)
Ok, this is strange as the tape shifted a bit on the right side, leaving part of the left-central pin (SWDCLK) uncovered.
An the corrosion occurred mostly on the leftmost pin (GND) -
Hi All,
I have a "second wave" Bangle, which came with the little piece of tape covering the two central contacts.
However, after I while it came off, so I replaced it with another cut which succumbed, as well, after a couple of months.
I'm a little bit worried since the two outside pins are starting to oxidize and, as it happened with an Amazfit watch, this can make impossible to charge the device.
Now I painted the contacts with a laque, but I wonder if there any way to solve this issue one for all.Also, is the voltage on the two central pins somewhat related to CPU activity? Because after using the watch with an app which I developed, continuously running in the background, it seems that corrosion has kicked up after a day or two.
g- -
Hi Gordon,
unfortunately Interval Timer app still crashes (blank screen) and the following appears on the web IDEUncaught ReferenceError: "a" is not defined at line 1 col 787 in intervalTimer.app.js ...1,h.width=32,h.r=1,h))}]},a&&a.push.apply(a,this._l.c[1].c);this.se... ^ in function "Layout" called from line 63 col 355 in intervalTimer.app.js ...{decrementActiveTime();}}]});menuLayout.render();const incrementA... ^ in function "setActiveTime" called from line 77 col 50 in intervalTimer.app.js }Bangle.setUI();timerMode='active';setActiveTime(); ^ in function "setup" called from line 77 col 81 in intervalTimer.app.js ...angle.setLCDPower(1);setup(); ^ >
Running in the emulator and disabling minified module uploads, this is the message:
>Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined at line 1 col 709 ....btnWatches.push(setWatch(a.bind(this,0),BTN1,{repeat:!0,edg... ^ in function "setUI" called from line 1 col 916 ...this._l.c[1].c)}this.setUI();var e=this;d(this._l),this.upda... ^ in function "Layout" called from line 16 col 5 ]}); ^ in function "setActiveTime" called from line 8 col 17 setActiveTime(); ^ in function "setup" called from line 1 col 7 setup();
g -
Hi Al,
it seems that the Layout module has a problem, perhaps related to new handling of let/const of v14 firmware.
When rendering on a Bangle2 a layout with more than one button, the following message is diplayed:Uncaught ReferenceError: "BTN2" is not defined at line 115 col 79 in Layout ...pressHandler.bind(this,1), BTN2, {repeat:true,edge:-1})); ^ in function "setUI" called from line 65 col 14 in Layout this.setUI(); ^ in function "Layout" called from line 373 col 14 in Layout ], lazy:true}); ^
This happens even running the sample code available in the tutorial, e.g.:
var Layout = require("Layout"); var layout = new Layout( { type:"v", c: [ {type:"txt", font:"6x8:2", label:"A Test", id:"label" } ] }, {btns:[ {label:"One", cb: l=>print("One"), cbl: l=>print("One long press")}, {label:"Two", cb: l=>print("Two")}, {label:"Three", cb: l=>print("Three")} ], lazy:true}); function setLabel(x) { layout.label.label = x; layout.render(); } g.clear(); layout.render();
I'm pretty sure that it worked on v13.
=[ 88, 0 ]
But after that initial hiccup, after updating to V15, it is working fine now.