Yeah, the battery was getting low over the last few days, I was planning on charging it yesterday.
No voltage across the middle 2.
I did take my shower with it, but it was far from the first time (did it almost every day for the past ~month since I got it), and the watch wasn't submerged. I searched the forum about that, and my watch seems to have the white membrane in the hole under the wrist strap. I really hope it's not water damage, any way I could try to rule that out?
Had you been able to charge it properly in the past?
Contacts seem pretty clean, except the one that's a bit corroded. I was wearing the watch this morning, so it wasn't cold either, and my office is at 23°C; I don't think the temperature is an issue.
How long should I press the button? I've tried holding it for 30+ seconds, to no avail. Watch has been plugged in for the last ~4 hours or so.
So my Bangle.js 2 ran out of battery this morning. No biggie, except now it doesn't seem like it wants to charge anymore.
I tested the contacts on the charge cable, and I see 5.25V across the 2 outer ones.
No voltage across any of the contacts behind the watch, and the third one (counting from the button side) is slightly corroded.
Watch has a black screen and is unresponsive when I press the button.Any way I can force it to charge?
Thanks for the tips, but none of them worked. I don't have a separate cable to test charging with, but as I mentioned in the first post, I looked at it with a multimeter and it seemed fine.
I did try another USB power brick, and still no luck.