Thanks! Yeah I am a bit busy atm but expect a small rewrite of codebase and proper readme based on @mu1 's steps soon!
I think patern launcher should take priority on the watchface. Only if no paterns are recognised should the event pass to the watchface. So perhaps we can force the drag/touch eventlistener of the widget to be on top of the listener array and cancel the event if a patern is recognised or something like that.
Hey quick question. The launcher seems to work very good on the default watchface, but it works unreliably on the LCARS clock. Has anyone tried this? Perhaps the LCARS swipe action that contolls the timer interfereces with the widget?
Edit: I haven't tested the new version yet so let me get back on this.
Hey there! I'd like to present my first app: Presentor :-)
I am learning to be a teacher. I have some trouble keeping myself to time and its quite easy to lose track of it. For this reason I thought it a good idea to get a watch. While thinking about buying a watch my dad came across the bangle2 and I was instantly sold. With this thing I couldn't just see the time but I could program it to make some tracker for my lessons. So this is exactly what I did and why I did it.What is it:
With presentor you use bluetooth HID connection (just directly connect bluetooth on your laptop/tablet/computer when the app is open) to go through your slides.
This while also having smart timers and a memory aid for your different presentation parts.
Here you can for instance say you want to take 5 minutes for your introduction and then 10 minutes for content or whatever.
While going through your parts you also get a rest timer that counts the surplus or deficit of total time you have for your presentation so you can adjust accordingly during your next slides.Usage
Use the bangle app interface to describe your presentation (parts)
Open the app and (re)connect the bluetooth to enable HID.
Swipe left or right to go forward and backwards in your presentation.
Swipe up and down to go to the next presentation part (timer)
Click the (middle) button to go into mouse mode.
Here you can use your bangle similar to a touchpad.
Click again to go back to presentation mode.For bangle 1 or 2 you can also hold the screen and use the accelerometer to move the mouse.
I have opened the PR: [https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/pull/1199]
You can test it already using: https://7kasper.github.io/BangleApps/#bluetoothThe app is in beta and WIP, but if you like, please help me test the app and work out the kinks.
Feature requests are also very welcome. -
Would this be possible? The Puck.js can do cool keyboard interface as described in https://www.espruino.com/BLE+Keyboard. Would this be possible with the bangle too? I am thinking maybe using a mouse pointer or sending some keystrokes.
YES! I don't know what changed or @Gordon did exactly but I got mine working.
So here is what's happend. On the recent update it updated the bootloader.
Now I tried the procedure again. After around 6 seconds the screen flickers very faintly for about 2 times. Release quickly at that point! The watch now seems to be stuck and doesnt update the watchface. However secretly the bootloader is now active. You can then use the regular nftoolbox app to update the firmware like described on the wiki page.Even after the update the bootloader is still not visibile, but it does load and become active.
@Muldjord you can try this now as well.Now the watch still sometimes gets stuck in the storage ok screen. If this happens you can do the same thing, release the button as soon as the screen flickers and then wait until the bootloader times out and the watchscreen will be shown again.
Yeah I can use the watch fine and am really enjoying it. I wanted to update fw so I can get twisting to light up the watch but Ill wait a bit with that. Not based in UK unfortunately, but perhaps I can try SWD in the holiday.
Never seen the bootloader screen btw. My dad also has the watch and I think I've seen it on that one actually.
@Gordon So I am having the same issue. If you want to try another watch hit me up.
Is the updated bootloder always downloaded to the same address? Maybe you have a different bootloader address because of different apps and therefore need to point it to a different address? I am not familiar with the internal firmware yet but I will try to read up on it. -
Hello! I have exactly the same problems as described here. Interestingly enough if I load or delete or change an app using the web interface the device becomes unbricked and I can do everything fine. However after each reset (10s buttonpress) the Storage Ok screen is up again and I have to do it again.
Using the firmware flasher does nothing (yes it uploads but thats it).
Also after uploading it doesn't wait the mentioned 10 seconds but just immidiatly goes to press to reload whereafter again I am on firmware 219 with the storage ok screen.
Also there seems to be no way to enter the ===== screen no matter how long or not I press the button.
Ok so a little bit later than expected but a new PR with good update is opened :-)
If there are any suggestions for features please let me know!