I'm doing to project where I would like to be able to transmit SENT messages:https://www.renesas.com/us/en/document/whp/tutorial-digital-sent-interface-zssc416xzssc417x#:~:text=The%20basic%20unit%20of%20time%20for%20SENT%20is,starts%20a%20message%20frame%20and%20provides%20a%20method.
My first thought was to use the digitalpulse method but I then realized that the longest unit of time "tick" can be 90uS. the timeing may require using low level programming. I'm looking for a place to start, I can write my own module but perhaps there is a module that I can start with. I'm just looking for any advice on how to best tackle wtih issue.
thank you in advance. -
I think you are correct I, tested with hardware & software I2C and I can relaibly communicate with my hardware now !(with external pullups) I'm not entirely sure what happened overnight but when I went to debug using the hardware I2C this morning it just worked straight away, then it worked fine with the software defined I2C as well. I think my biggest hangup was the software not throwing an error with the software I2C, I didn't know what was going on. Now that i'm aware of that quirk, it wont surprise me in the future. thanks for your help!
Thank you for your prompt response, Gordon. It is good to know this quirk of the software I2C, I will change my code to rely on the hardware I2C instead, for now. Does the Software I2C object accept arguments to disable internal pullup feature when the External Device already has Pullup resistors? This would be ideal for some of my work. I will get back to testing my custom pcb, I designed a small hat for the MDBT42Q breakout board to interface with a texas instument LDC3114 chip and add analog output capability utilizing a MCP4725 DAC. both of these chips are on a I2C bus. Thanks again!
I was having an issue with setting up chip Via I2C with the MDBT42Q breakout board. I kept getting numbers that made no sense. I disconnected the Chip from the Board and the I2C read command would still return "data". I belive there is something wrong with this function. I setup an I2C again, with nothing attatched and the read function still returns something with no error. I'm running the lastest firmware I could find; espruino_2v17_mdbt42q.
pasted from the web editor:
var i = new I2C();
=I2C: { }
i.setup({ scl : D15, sda: D14 });
=undefinedi.readFrom(0x2A, 3)
=new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255])this occurs with nothing connected to the MDBT42Q breakout board. I think i need some help with this!
I Have had issues with aquiring working HC-05 bluetooth modules. I have a few modules from 2 years ago that worked flawlessley, although the ones I ordered recently off of ebay report they are version 4.X and they don't function properly. I have been looking for bare modules to use with the OG espruino, but I have been unsuccesful. Has anyone had any luck with a finding a reputable source for HC-05 bare modules ?
I'm using formulas to gernerate a response curve and when I use the following function it gives the wrong answer when I use the compiled keyword. It works fine without being compiled, i was wondering if there was a known issue with the Math library or if there is a simple fix
function F(x){
return 1/(1.13+Math.exp(-8.0*(x-0.54)))+0.14;
}i'm running the code on the original espruino with the latest firmware.
There is a new thingy out there , the thingy:91.
https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-Tools/Prototyping-platforms/Nordic-Thingy-91I wonder if it would be possible to adapt espruino to this device, I love the thingy:52.
Adafruit has recently developed a hardware standard footprint, the "feather". They have boards that utilize the nRF52 Soc and espruino can be loaded on them and have developed "seesaw" which is their "i2c to everything" driver. The driver is open source and well documented. I was wondering if anyone had looked into (or would be willing to look into) porting seesaw into an espruino module. It would be awesome to have access to a plethora hardware with espruino software, it would be unbeatable.
I think it would be great if there was a way to collaborate with adafruit, this specific product they have , combined with espruino would be epic, it is nice to have the usb and battery charging integrated. The feather footprint would offer so many awesome accessories that they have developed for their feather line. I have a couple of the mdbt42q breakout boards from the espruino store and they are pretty cool, but I plan on trying a project with a nrf52 feather so i can try to make an easy, clean build using some feather "wings" as they call them.
I would be happy to contribute to the espruino community!