Hi !
I join the question! I am also very interested in the possibility of using external SRAM/SRAM memory on STM32 controllers of the F405,427,429 series, running Espruino.
I think @MarkBloom is mistaken about the possibility to apply QSPI memory on the F405 F407 series, as far as I know there is only the possibility to apply parallel PSRAM/SRAM memory. I am also very interested in the possibility of expanding FLASH memory by connecting it via the parallel interface of the FSMC memory controller? Are you interested in the possibility of simultaneous operation of PSRAM and FLASH in Espruino? Will the execution environment see PSRAM and FLASH? Will the files on this extended memory be visible from the Espruino Web IDE?
As for @fanoush's comment, I suppose this is a special case, I also met many successful C++ projects on the STM32 series below STM32H7, which is discussed in the article 'Why you should fall in love with the RP2350' from @Dmitry.GR .
The STM32H7 crystals are significantly more complex than the F4xx series.
@Gordon please comment on the question! -
={ "VERSION": "1v96.43", "GIT_COMMIT": "c975a9a", "BOARD": "ISKRAJS", "FLASH": 1048576, "RAM": 196608, "SERIAL": "3b004900-07513535-31393131", "CONSOLE": "USB", "MODULES": "Flash,Storage,fs," ... "t,crypto,neopixel", "EXPORTS": { "jsvLockAgainSafe": 105081, "jsvUnLock": 105055, "jsvSkipName": 111873, "jsvMathsOp": 91429, "jsvNewWithFlags": 105193, "jsvNewFromFloat": 105361, "jsvNewFromInteger": 105397, "jsvNewFromString": 110413, "jsvNewFromBool": 105381, "jsvGetFloat": 112097, "jsvGetInteger": 111285, "jsvGetBool": 112657, "jspReplaceWith": 29177, "jspeFunctionCall": 80681, "jspGetNamedVariable": 80505, "jspGetNamedField": 85101, "jspGetVarNamedField": 84825 }, "EXPTR": 536871104 }
The reason is clearly established, it is in firmware 1v96.43,
it doesn't work in her.
To change the firmware at the moment I can not, the Board is not original (Amperka). Checked it on the original Board version 2v01
there the code is executed correctly.
I will wait for the firmware update.
Thanks everyone ! -
Console conclusion at implementation of your code:
____ __ / _/_____ / /__ _____ ____ _ / / / ___// //_// ___// __ `/ _/ / (__ )/ ,< / / / /_/ / /___//____//_/|_|/_/ \__,_/ Based on Espruino 1v96.43 (c) 2018 G.Williams, Amperka LLC Support the work of core developers: http://espruino.com/Donate > =undefined Uncaught Error: Function "asyncFuncA" not found! at line 1 col 7 _this.asyncFuncA(); ^ in function called from system
@allObjects Does not work:
one is to define a local variable var _this = this; before the setInterval() and use it - _this in its function... (sometimes I just use var _ = this; to be short).
another one is to pass this as variable by passing it as 2nd+ parameter when setting up the interval: setInterval(function(_){ _.xyz(); },1000,this);. -
I studied Gordon's article and found no contradictions in his code.
Article - "How ES6 classes work"
http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/327037/ -
Hi !
class A { constructor(x, y){ //class field... } AsyncFuncA(){ //code... } run(){ //call async code setInterval(() => { this.AsyncFuncA(); }, 1000) } } class B { constructor(x, y){ super(x,y); } AsyncFuncB(){ //code... } run(){ //call async code super.run(); setInterval(() => { // Todo... this.AsyncFuncB(); }, 2000); } } /**********************************************/ let ob = new B(x, y); ob.run();
an error occurs when you call run() -> this.AsyncFuncA()
Web IDE:"Uncaught Error: Function "AsyncFuncA" not found!
at line 248 col 6
in function called from system"
how can this be fought ?
Thank you all for the advice !
function myclassA() { this.A = 1; this.TimerID = null; } myclassA.prototype.func_1 = function() { /* here some code */ this.TimerID = setInterval(this.func_2.bind(this), 50); } myclassA.prototype.func_2 = function() { /* There was an error ! )) */ } function myclassB(_object) { this.B = 1; this.Obj = _object; } myclassB.prototype.func_1 = function() { /* here some code */ this.Obj.func_1(); }
In the code there are no syntax errors it builds and runs fine, below part of code:
function TObj_1(_pin) { /*** константы класса ***/ this.MinPulse = 453.0; //минимальная длительность импульса которая соответствует крайнему "меньшему" положения ротора this.MaxPulse = 2050.0; //макисмальная длительность импульса которая соответствует крайнему "меньшему" положения ротора this.Ks = 8.7; //коэффициент преобразования в ф-ции Y=kA+B (линейная кривая самого сервопривода /*** поля класса ***/ this.Pin = null; //пин микропроцессора на котором "сидит" сервопривод this.Value = 0.0; //конечное значение яркости свечения this.CurValue = 0.0; //текущее значение яркости свечения this.Speed = 0.0; //текущая скорость процесса this.Pin = _pin; //задать пин к которому привязан сервопривод } TObj_1.prototype.BunRunAnimation = function() { this.FlagBunAnimation = true; //запретить "ручной" запуск Animation(...) this.StopAnimation(); //остановить текущую анимацию }; function TObj_2(_tobj_1) { this.PHASE_ARR = [ "START_MOVE", "START_WAIT", "DOWN_MOVE", "DOWN_WAIT", "UP_MOVE", "UP_WAIT" ]; this.ANGLE_START = 30; //конечный угол ротора фазы START_MOVE this.ANGLE_UP = 20; //конечный угол ротора фазы UP_MOVE this.ANGLE_DOWN = 0; //конечный угол ротора фазы DOWN_MOVE this.TIME_START = 15; //время нахождения в позиции START_WAIT, секунд this.TIME_UP = 0.5; //время нахождения в позиции UP_MOVE, секунд this.TIME_DOWN = 0.7; //время нахождения в позиции UP_WAIT, секунд this.SPEED_START = 25; //скорось движения ротора в фазе START_MOVE, %/s this.SPEED_UP = 40; //скорось движения ротора в фазе UP_MOVE, %/s this.SPEED_DOWN = 25; //скорось движения ротора в фазе DOWN_MOVE, %/s this.INTERVAL_PLAY = 60.0; //определяет период в ms запуска внутренней ф-и setTimeout this.Obj1 = _tobj_1; //инициируем поле объектом класса Servo }; TObj_2.prototype.TaskRun = function() { let _this = this; if( !_this.FlagTaskRun ) { _this.FlagTaskRun = true; _this.Obj1.BunRunAnimation(); //Error ! _this.CurPhase = _this.PHASE_ARR[0]; } switch(_this.CurPhase) { case "START_MOVE": if( !_this.FlagSTART_MOVE ) { _this.Obj1.AnimationTask(_this.ANGLE_START, _this.SPEED_START); _this.FlagSTART_MOVE = true; } else { if ( !_this.Obj1.GetStatusRunAnimation() ) //Error ! { _this.CurPhase = _this.PHASE_ARR[1]; _this.FlagSTART_MOVE = false; } } break; };
Thank you for such a quick response !
I use the cost of production of Amperka (http://amperka.ru/) - "IskraJS" based on Espruino 1v92.194 -
There is an object created via new:
function class_1() { this.A_1; this.B_1; } class_1.prototype.func_class_1 = function() { /* here are some actions with variables this.A_1, this.B_1 */ } function class_2 (_obj /*object of type class_1*/) { this.A_2; this.B_2; this.Obj_2 = _obj; } class_2.prototype.func_class_2 = function() { //function call problem !!! this.Obj_2.func_class_1(); } var o1 = new class_1(); var o2 = new class_2(o1); o2.func_class_2(); //Uncaught Error: Field or method "func_class_1()" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined
Help !
I tried various options with this, call and bind, nothing helped. How to organize a call to "this.Obj_2.func_Class_1()" ?
Thanks for the clarification!
Nevertheless, I will clarify the situation a little. In the current version of the Espruino firmware, for example, the STM32F407 can theoretically work with external PSRAM memory, but there is no corresponding setting of the FSMC controller in the current Espruino code? Therefore, Espruino will not pick up PSRAM from the "box", did I understand correctly?
It turns out that in the STM32L496GDISCOVERY debugging board, for which there is also an Espruino firmware and for which an approximate number of variables is specified - "19200", this amount is obtained only due to the SRAM built into the STM32 and in this firmware, external PSRAM memory is also not available, although it is soldered on the debugging board, did I understand correctly?