Is any chance to reset it other way?
My Pico stock 3rd time I uploaded the code, before I unsoldered other parts and fixed it,
now I realized that it must be something different than my quality soldering as I uploaded code over 20 times with no problem, I didn't change nothing in hardware and now Pico stoped.
I have soldered there 3.7lion battery already, don't want to unsolder it 4th time.
Is any way to reset Pico by hardware (this way with push button not working)?
Or I have to wait till battery will be empty enough to stop Pico? -
Hi, I just want to ask about proper connection for Pico with OLED SSD1306 and Mosfet in VCC line for OLED.
I want to save more current on the battery, yesterday I left OLED connected to PICO and li-po battery, OLED was cleared, and today battery is empty, thought to use Mosfet to steering VCC supply line for OLED, but what I noticed is when I put (in my case B4) gate pin to 0 (digitalWrite(B4,0)) 0r (analogWrite(B4,0)) then my OLED still works. Screen isn't blank.any advice how to switch this Mosfet off to cut off current for OLED?
I use IRFZ44N Mosfet -
Hi today I burned one thing on the Pico, can I replace it?
https://flic.kr/p/DzaUeU -
Thanks Gordon,
and what do you think about charging battery from Pico? I thought to use voltage divider and then connect it to analog pin to read it and "stop" fet from charging by software,
would my code be ok for this?function stop(){ digitalWrite(B0,1); } function charge(){ digitalWrite(B0,0); } function check(){ var a = analogRead(A5)*E.getAnalogVRef()*2; console.log(a); if(a>3.7) stop(); else if(a<3.71) charge(); }
Hi, I would like to connect Espruino Pico permanently with battery in my project.
I thought to do it like that:
would like to charge it by this module, but
I am not sure I need to install some switch there when I want to programming it by USB?
should I disconnect battery circuit from espruino when I program it or I can leave it?
I already linked FET/B0, not sure I did rightI would like to make some circuit which let me programming pico by USB, use battery for powering pico when not connected to USB and charge battery by this module,
I had read in one of posts on the forum that FET can overcharge battery when USB is connected, is it ?
thank you for rotation tip,
since couple days I wonder how to write proper code to make something like display few screens on the ssd1306, let say 3 of them, and every screen will display different values, I made simple code where espruino count how many times I press the button, then depend of the number will change the screen display, but there is some issue, until I put on the display some value once (without setInterval ) then it works fluently, but when I put setInterval() function (for analog readings) I have some lag, and can't switch between screens smoothly
here is one of the codes I triedI2C2.setup({scl:B10,sda:B3}); var g = require("SSD1306").connect(I2C2); g.clear(); g.flip(); var S1,S2; var BTN22 = B14; var BTN11 = B15; var screen = 0; g.setFontVector(20); pinMode(B14, 'input_pulldown'); pinMode(B15, 'input_pulldown'); function read(){ g.clear(); S1 = analogRead(A1); g.drawString("S1 " + S1.toFixed(3)); g.flip(); } function read2(){ //clearInterval(); g.clear(); S2 = analogRead(A2); g.drawString("S2 " + S2.toFixed(3)); g.flip(); } function interval(){ setInterval(read,500); } function interval2(){ setInterval(read2,500); } function display(){ if(screen === 1)interval(); if(screen === 0)interval2(); //console.log(screen); } setTimeout(function(){ display(); },2000); setWatch(function(e) { clearInterval(); setTimeout(function(){ display(); console.log(screen); screen = screen + 1; if(screen > 1) screen = 0; },200); },BTN11, {repeat: true, edge: 'rising', debounce:50});
where could be something wrong in my code?
I've just unsolder the battery but still can't reset or flash Pico, no com port visible
...after a while
com port is visible,
I don't understand what happen?
I didn't change nothing in hardware, what might be wrong,
I am afraid about reliability of it, as when I use it for some project,
solder the battery, add some programming connection don't want
to take it apart but just program it.
Any advice how to make Pico stable?
same story, no com port visible,
It is really very hard to finish programming with this effort