@mhoneywill have you made any progress on DMX in/out?
I am likely to be looking into this soon after I get the hang of my espruino.
Brilliant! @allObjects that fixed it, thank you very much.
further to this, now I have set it up to only trigger on button 1 press, each time it is pressed it returns several times:
var sensor = require("HC-SR04").connect(A2,A3,function(dist) { console.log("response "+Math.floor(dist)+" cm away"); }); function runIt(){ console.log("button pressed"); sensor.trigger(); } runIt(); setWatch(runIt, BTN1, {repeat:true, edge:"rising"});
button pressed response 27015 cm away response 11 cm away response 13 cm away response 109 cm away
I would expect one response per trigger, or am I missing something?
I have started my first project, I am new to electronics but an old hand at coding.
I have 5v regulated DC power connected to my circuit (not via the espruino 5v), espruno is powered via USB, I am running code via the API
I am making a RGB LED strip change color depending on distance measured by ultrasonic echo.
I am just experimenting with the sensor module:
var sensor = require("HC-SR04").connect(A0,A2,function(dist) { console.log("response "+Math.floor(dist)+" cm away"); });
Now this seems to continuously send output after loaded until you trigger it via:
Does anyone know why this is?
Also, I seem to be getting very random results that don't have anything to do with putting an object in front of the sensor when I use setInterval, I have wired it up as described here http://www.espruino.com/HC-SR04
If anyone has experience with this sensor I would love some pointers.
Ok I finally managed to get it to work...
Installing the drivers is not enough. you need to then run the windows troubleshooter via the device manager to get the option to manually select drivers (the option is grayed out when accessing device property via devices and printers which is where I got caught before)
Once you can get access to this interface, you can point windows to the folder the drivers were installed in (for me C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Virtual comport driver\Win8) and the computer will once again see the device.
Hopefully this should stick this time, i've tried removing and replacing the device several times and it seems to be stable.
Not sure why this worked without fuss on first attempt but not on subsequent attempts. I have a suspicion it may be due to firmware versions as my espruino sat in its box for several months before I cracked it out.
I immediately updated the firmware after getting it running today. A more detailed guide for this issue in the troubleshooting section could save others from the frustrations I encountered.
@Gordon Sorry I just dug up the old post and you did reply (I didnt get the notification). I went through the troubleshooting, uninstalled/reinstalled com drivers, tried on another windows pc, tried putty, removed all com devices from device manager, com device appears when plugged in but no com address and device is unknown. I have exhausted all options provided by your documentation.
I have been trying to get my espruino working for several weeks on windows without luck.
I have posted about this before but did not get a response.
It worked fine on my first attempt, I sent the demo code to the board from the web ide:
var l = false; setInterval(function() { l = !l; LED1.write(l); }, 500);
This did not seem to load to the espruino and since then it will not assign my espruino a com address. I can access the espruino on a mac, however I do not have ready access to a mac so this is not a solution.
There is no information on this issue in the troubleshooting, I would try a reflash however without being able to connect to the web ide or putty due to lack of a com address my espruino is essentially useless.
Has anyone had similar issues? surely there is another way to reset the espruino back to factory without having to buy myself a mac.
Hi I am an amateur here, thanks for your time.
I have the espruino board from the kickstarter, only just gotten around to plugging it in many months down the track.
First attempt after installing the com drivers, it instantly found the com port and connected to the device. Beauty! So I hit the "send to espruino" button to try the piece of demo code that loads in the IDE.
I was called to a meeting at that time and upon returning the device had disconnected. Now when I try to connect it gets stuck on "searching" and never finds the device.
I have tried rebooting
I have tried different USB ports
I have tried resetting the espruino re the troubleshooting guide
espruino shows up under "devices and printers" as "STM32 Virtual Com Port" with "drivers unavailable"Have I bricked it somehow? where can I go from here?
@allObjects This is all very useful stuff, thanks for the detail. I am using the standard board, I am feeling my way through the world of electronics and loving how easy it is to get results (using espruino), I now have the led strip reacting to distance from the sensor.
I will make sure to keep well clear of the batt connector until I am ready to go stand alone with my contraption.