Hi Gordon,
I am trying to update my application over the air... to do that i am reducing my application size by keeping module in the main firmware.....
coming to Out of memory..... if i am using" Nrf.Sendstring();" i am facing the problem...when i am calling this i am checking "process.memory().usage" it is continuously decrementing....
how to control this..... -
Hi I am trying to use NRF module... I am inserted NRF module as a variable in "LIB/jswrap_***.c" file
and i am getting that variable data and using "eval" to use that module... up to some time it is working good...
but after some time i am getting "Out of memory while appending to array"
what exactly this means? what things we need consider to get out of this problem.....Here i am attaching the file which i am using in firmware...
Hi I am trying to use Serial-4 and Serial-5 when i am trying this i am getting error like this ...
Uncaught Error: Field or method does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined
at line 1 col 8
In the firmware... i have modified
#define USARTS 3
#define USARTS 5
Still i am getting error ....any suggestions
Hi i am trying this code
{ unsigned char *data,*test; unsigned char ch; JsVar *str = jsvAsString(var, false); data=test; JsvStringIterator it; jsvStringIteratorNew(&it, str, 0); while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it)) { ch = (unsigned char)jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it); jsiConsolePrintf("\r\n ch: %c",ch); *test++=ch; jsvStringIteratorNext(&it); } jsvStringIteratorFree(&it); jsvUnLock(str); }
but it is not working...
any suggestions please...Thanks
Vishnu -
Hi Gordon and DrAzzy,
there is no reason to use "mode" (at startup i dont know about the mode in SPI class .. )
That's why i modified in "jshSPISetup()". I can use mode there is no problem..Coming to C code which i have attached, it is "KEIL" project... i am using that project just to write in to M25p16... as a Reference i am using.... (even we can read using that project)....
Hi allObjects,
hi i have uploaded C Code na using that i am writing to flash.... after that i am reading from the flash and erasing ....
i hope you got it...
and one thing i forgot to mention ....
i have modified this one toSPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = (inf->spiMode&SPIF_CPOL)?SPI_CPOL_High:SPI_CPOL_Low; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPHA = (inf->spiMode&SPIF_CPHA)?SPI_CPHA_2Edge:SPI_CPHA_1Edge;
like this
SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_High; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_2Edge;
i have modified this in Espruino SPI_init();
Thanks & Regards
Vishnu -
Hi Drazzy and allObjects,
eeprom.isBusy(); in this function i am using WREN that's why i commented it in write operation . As i am usingAT25.prototype.writedata= function(add,data,num) { eeprom.isBusy(); eeprom.page_erase(); console.log("\r\n page erased"); eeprom.isBusy(); eeprom.write(add,data); };
this one .In this first i am erasing the page and trying to write...
Hi Drazzy and allobjects,
as the same discussion is going on in FOTA (converstion ) . .. please move this one to [http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/261833/#comment12080855]
Hi DrAzzy and allObjects,
Here i am attaching the C code which is working fine for me(M25p16)...
and the Java Script which i am trying to access M25p16..
As you mentioned i am trying to read write protect register...
but no luck with write operation.... Page Erase is working... reading is working.. but unable to do write() operation ... -
Hi in Espruino file list i see this (code/extra/m25p16.c)https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/master/Espruino.files but in source there is no folder with "code" .... any information ...
Vishnu -
Hi DrAzzy , Main Goal of the project is , i would like to update application (Java Script) by sending it over the TCP using GSM modem. To do this initially i am sending my code from a Serail3 (The same code which i will receive from the GSM (TCP)) . As you said i am sending save(); along with the code.. After that i am doing Reset(); and Load(); then i am checking the Application with dump() .. at that time i can see my OLD and New code both
Vishnu -
Hi Gordon,
I have used trace() but ... unable to understand, here i am attaching the files....
please have a look at this....
and after running " nrf_print("helloworld");" this one in console ... i am getting error as
in function called from system
Uncaught Error: Field or method "cjarCodeAt" does not already exist, and can't create it on String
at line 4 col 16
c1 = sentence.cjarCodeAt(i);
in function "Checksum" called from line 6 col 28
in function "handleGPSLine" called from line 7 col 35
in function called from system
at line 4 col 16
c1 = sentence.cjarCodeAt(i);
in function "Checksum" called from line 6 col 28
in function "handleGPSLine" called from line 7 col 35
in function called from system