@Uhv I think you'll be better off getting a hold of a premade CAN => RS232 device if you do not want to try building Espruino yourself. This is especially true if you project relies on CAN then you should have a way of debugging the bus.
Maybe something like this: http://www.canusb.com/ ?
I guess @Gordon will move this thread as he sees fit :)
As promised, here's an image of the complete jig for manual pick and place:
More photos here: http://alexanderbrevig.github.io/projects/2015/04/14/SMD-manual-feeders-jig-done/ -
BTW, maybe we could move this thread to Interfacing?
I'd like to help you @Uhv but I have no way to test CAN here, and I've got no use for it. Let me know if you need help building the Espruino or understanding how to add a C library.
Thanks @Gordon!
...meanwhile I've put my dad to work on the actual pedals. It's kind of messy, but it works!
Here's the pedals:
These will be normally closed, and opened when the pedals are pressed.
Next up is to mount everything in a project box and wire up all those switches. Then of course, we'll record a video of them in action :) -
Also, have you seen the module for MIDI?
You're correct. Short it to GND while powering on will enter programming mode. The first time I tried to upload code to it I also had issues, it turned out to be the same as @DrAzzy, basically a power brownout. I have not measured the peak while programming but that may be interesting to do.
Does your shim route out GPIO-0? If it does, it's kind of interesting to look at making a way to flash new firmware onto the ESP8266 from the Espruino. I think Espruino should be able to proxy/echo two serial ports at 9600 baud, no?
Maybe you would not be interesting in hosting a fork of the SDK for little things like this.For now I've made a 'permanent' protoboard:
Sorry to not answer your quetion, but your question got me thinking:
Do you control the web page as well?
If so, then I envision a tag like:
<script type="text/javascript.espruino"> //Espruino code, not parsed by browser js digitalWrite(LED1, true); //your server could call into functions on your Espruino too //something like currentData([1,2,3,54,5,2,3,4,2,8,3,4,4,4,4,2,3,4]); </script>
Could be kind of neat. If the developer controls both the Espruino and the web page then this could be a way for the server to provide dynamic code for the Espruino to run.
I'm confident we (if not me, then some other more knowledgeable) will get it working with the Espruino as soon as one of us gets their hands on one. Did I understand you correctly @IanWatkins, that you have one on the way?
@Joakim I've only ever done one board before (on my own) and the previous one was the organ pedal thingy (using through hole and parts from my existing parts bins only). I've soldered together SMTs before for protos and such (kits and breakout boards), I did those with my soldering iron. I was surprised to find it's very easy with good solder! Check out EEVBlog SMT Soldering Tutorial
if you haven't already :)The hardware guy over at wiring.co uses OSH Stencils and likes them enough to recommend them to me. I'll probably try them for the passive summer project, and let you know what I think!
I do not think it's a bad idea to go straight for SMT for your first board. I say go for it!
We have one of these Reflow Ovens and I'll post my experiences probably in another thread. I also considered one of the T962s that has an insanely low price (there seems to be some consensus that it's not quite good enough as a plug and play device - as this will be my first reflow experience I didn't want to risk being scared away by using bad equipment (though the STMmax is in no way a very expensive or 'good' product, but probably sufficient to get going).
Also, we should definitely grab a beer soon. Maybe visit BitRaf too?
@DrAzzy I agree, SMT is just as easy or easier. As you've already pointed out in another comment; choosing friendlier footprints would be nice when planning to do a few boards with an iron for instance. Though as Gordon pointed out, a good board with a good resist layer will reflow nicely (at least it seems that way from the videos I've watched). I'll post in here when I've tried some boards using stencil + oven. Wish me luck, I need it!
@mhoneywill I've not tried DesignSpark enough to have any opinions about it other than I found it painful to make footprints for parts that are not in their library. I use Altium Designer and KiCAD most now. I also liked DipTrace when I tested that, and I find upverter very interesting.
I don't like Eagle, but I do know how to use it enough to get around when browsing projects that uses Eagle - in the Open Source space it seems to be a standard. -
RE Size: Yeah. I over estimated the size of the 0603 (Damn you Dave Jones for telling the world those are dead simple! ;) ).
I have a stainless steel stencil indeed :) [and I'm lucky I decided on it, let me tell you!]
I accidentally forgot one 0402 footprint as well. Those will be interesting to place manually... Damn beginner mistakes, they haunt me (rightfully so, this is my first SMT design and build).
I don't have a laser cutter :'( but I do have two of those large thin plates that's behind framed photos. I'll whip one together using that and try it out.
Probably get it done Monday, and take a photo. If I like it I could always make some kind of instruction if someone else wants to make something like this. Maybe even a program you can enter how many 'lanes' you want and then spit out a PDF (or whatever format a laser printer needs...).
Can someone with more I2C experience on the Espruino answer if
Wire.beginTransmission(addrBME280); Wire.write(reg); Wire.write(data); Wire.endTransmission();
I2C1.writeTo(addrBME280, [reg, data]);
If not then could a sample for the equivalent be provided? I'll fix the gist as needed (or feel free to fix yourself:) )
As stated in the other thread (I'll keep the rest of my comments with respect to the BME in that thread from now) I started a port here. It is just a quick pass C to JS translation, and should provide a good start for the port. I'm not entirely sure how to use the I2C lib to match the Arduino version. See you in the other thread!
Hi, I started to convert the C to JS, feel free to use it as a starting point. It is not tested or verified in any way other than some JSLinting.
At first glance it seems that the Bosch BME280 can be used with I2C, so I think it should be fairly easy to port over to the Espruino?
I can have a first pass at translating the C to JS if that is helpful - or were you planning to write it from scratch @Gordon / @IanWatkins?
Sooo, anyone got any good ideas how to organize this:
In a way that makes manual pick and place manageable?
My current plan is to use double sided tape on a largeish thin mdf plate and pin down cut strips of each part. Then label each part with value and associated identifiers. (Maybe even print out a few annotated steps, kind of making a LEGO instruction manual for myself).
@IanWatkins Cool! Sorry about those mistakes, I translated to JS with regex and very little manual work so things like
int data[8];
->var data = [];
got missed.If (when) you get the other quirks out of the way, you should do a PR to this http://www.espruino.com/Writing+Modules with the Module and claim the prize [then tell us what you got]! :)