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I had copied the node_modules with installed acorn from the npm's folder to catalog ..\EspruinoCompiler-master.
The error went away, the server runs (in browser at the address localhost:32766, I see the the message Espruino compilation server), but compiling isn't performed :-( The function is sended to Espruino as javascript code, not as native code
Unfortunately I have an internet connection not always... And fact that I must compile a code again for new Espruino version is not a good thing.
Say please is it possible to run a compiled code from controller's flash? I'd like to save compiled functions to STM32's flash by STM32F1 FLASH MEMORY MODULE and call them from there. Or do the compiled code works from RAM only?
Sorry, it seems to me there is a little bug in second code: the Uint8Array constructor must have the argument len, isn't that so? Or I have understood nothing...
Yes, sure. I have changed the Javascript Compiler address in Web IDE.
The GCC for ARM is installed, but I have no idea how it must be attached to JS Compiler. I think problem is that JS Compiler doesn't see the GCC...