Maybe it can be reproduced.
I had a javascript Error inside the Serial function onData. I got the following
Error:ERROR: Using '.' operator on non-object at line 4 col 20
for(i=0;i<a.length;i++) { ^
at line 7 col 9
msg+="\nASC:"; ^
in function "debugHEX" called from line 5 col 39
in function called from line 27 col 49
in function "prepCB" called from line 29 col 59
in function called from system
ERROR: Error processing Serial data handler - removing it.
Execution Interrupted during event processing.Maybe setTimeout() fails after an error inside onData.
I currently writing a module to support xbee modules in API mode. Once working/finished, i will contribute it.
It uses mainly a lot of serial communcation, i.e the serial class. For timeout handling i use some setTimeout/clearTimeout functions. I do not use any Filesystem/SD card functions.
From one time to another, i got a strange behavior. It took a while to find out what is wrong.
The function SetTimeout calls the callback function immediately, regardless how i set the timeout parameter.
After a physical reset of the module, everything is fine again. setTimeout is working again as excepted.
Until now i was not able to reproduce it.
Hi Gordon,
Yes, please implement 'normal' sockets. Maybe a subset of this implementation:
WebSockets can then be implemented on top as a module only loaded when needed. Just like any other protocols on top of sockets.
BTW. I think you already implemented i kind of sockets. The existing HTTP Class must be based on it.
It´s a complete different product design. Bulky, predefined display, predefined enclosure, and so on. A bit like a toy. Complete different audience. I think, that people who love the Espruino like me, never get warm with kinoma. Maybe vise versa.
http://tessel.io matches more the Espruino aproach. If i need more CPU/Memory then tessel could be a option. But until then who knows if there is an Espruino++ around the corner ;-).
Hi Gordon,
I expected it, when i click on "References" in the main menu left. Maybe a merge if the following two pages would be great:
http://espruino.com/EspruinoBoardBest regards
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for the link http://espruino.com/EspruinoBoard . Where is this exelent page linkt to ? When i click on "Refenrence" -> "Espruino Board" i get this page:
Hello Gordon,
I have a few questions regarding serial communication.
Serial1.setup is not working with parity 'none'. I got the following error:
INTERNAL ERROR: Unsupported serial parity mode.'even' works:
=undefinedIs null also 'none' ?
Second question. I'm a bit confused about the UART/USART pins. What is the difference between UART and USART ?
On the pinout reference for example "USART1 TX" is labeled on pin B06 and A09.
Thus this mean, that i can choose which pin i would like to use ?Many thanks
Hi Gordon,
I can confirme this. Without debounce there is no mem leak.
@DrAzzy thanks for the hint that this are junks of 20 bytes.Sacha
Hello Gordon,
Received the Espruino. What i nice device! But i think i've found a mem leak.
Using 1v55.The simple code:
// Callback function for din change
var cl=function(e) { if (e.state===true) { print("Test...\n"); } }; var wid=setWatch(cl,B12,{repeat: false, debounce: 20});
After uploading process.memory(); shows 1766 free.
Each buttonpress decreases the free mem by aprox. 2 bytes.
I was not able to reproduce it, even with a "code error" inside Serial.onData. But i'm prepaired.