Hum this is a subject ongoing with a few of us in the Node-Red community.
I build web UIs for control systems using JQmobile & web sockets.
This gives very responsive UI so it's not so much about which front end stack you use.
But how you connect to the device, Ajax polling not good.This is quite amazing: UI Google Polymer from Arduino http://dashboard.sidlee.com/
But there some start-ups looking to make this a whole lot easier it's early days.
Both these use/will use MQTT.
http://www.thingstud.io/For now I'm putting my money on Blynk they will have a light wight device SDK so should be easy to integrate too. They have a open list of what devices people want I will add the Espruino
@Gordon thanks as always now cooking on gas!
-- Does it work if you explicitly set the pins up?
No :( just calling Serial1.setup causes the issue.Also can I clarify my understanding Serailx x is an instance of serial class/obj.
By defining the correct rx/rx pins in .setup I can use usart1 (rx:b7 , tx:b6) or usart2 (rx:a3 , tx:a2) ?
So this will work// usart1 via serial2 Serial2.setup(57600,{rx:b7,tx:b6,bytesize:8,parity:none,stopbits:1});
@Jasonwu thanks for that the Dorji module looks identical to RF1276T from Appcon just a diffrent semtech chip. Where did you buy you RF1276 from?
@IanWatkins I looked at GiffGaff years ago very narrow offering then. Is there a time limmit on the 500mb normaly these only run for a month on PAYG? but if it lasts until all used it would be a great solution for makers & devs.
Most M2M sims don't operate on PAYG but do allow you to cancel after a month. As your in the UK try http://m2msecuritysims.com I'm using thier SIMs to talk from RPI to a cloud end point. They start at £1 per month for 1mb.
I've just got some sim's from http://konekt.io you don't need thier hardware! Thier SIMS start $1 per month for 1mb. What's more you get a full SIM management and a simple API to post data to thier cloud service & a forwarding service to your cloud endpoint. They catter for both pro & makers. I'm planning to move all my projects to thier platform over time.
@alexanderbrevig I've used DORJI DRF1278DM 433Mhz docs look very simular to @Jasonwu modules got abut 350m in urban space. I'm also beta testing some commercail baords from Multitech and Neumurs which both have AT cmd interface but are very expensive. Also many commercail boards have MOQ in 1000s.
@Gordon I'm sure I've pointed to Semtech Git and radio Lib. https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/tree/master/src/radio/sx1276
Just got back from a few days away to find my Picos!!
They are just so SMALL, thanks @Gordon
Noticed they shipped with 1v75 is it ok to flash to 1v76? -
Thanks good to know I'm doing POC wireless cable replacement of a 4-20mA sensor.
I've sourced some precision 3.3v to 4-20mA amps so will use the Original for receiver and PICO for transmitters.I've seen both Sparkfun & LadyA both do a 12C DAC brake out so when I get time I will have a play.
Happy Easter to all on the Forum.
Was siting down with my 5yr old trying to blink some LEDs using scratch.
Repeat x times doesn't seem to work
Also looks like scratch code is run async?
if so it's not something I can teach my kid I struggle myself!
Would be good to see the js code that scratch creates.Anyway in my floundering around (image attached) I got this
ERROR: Out of Memory!
ERROR: Out of Memory!
WARNING: Unable to create string as not enough memory
ERROR: Out of Memory!
WARNING: Unable to create string as not enough memory
ERROR: Out of Memory!
WARNING: Unable to create string as not enough memory
ERROR: Out of Memory!
WARNING: Out of memory while appending to array
ERROR: Out of Memory!
at line 5 col 17}, 2*1000.0); ^
in function called from system
Execution Interrupted during event processing - clearing all timers and watches. -
@d0773d if your in UK just got mine two days after ordering from http://www.phenoptix.com/products/espruino-board-javascript-on-an-arm-based-board
@DrAzzy thanks for this.