I did some very crude range testing with the Appcon and got 800+ meters in urban environment on a rainy day with lots of trees & antenna at <1 meter. I would recommend the module for your own use but it's not CE marked or certified on the RF side. http://www.appconwireless.com/PRODUCTS/showproduct.php?lang=en&id=21
@Gordon thanks the change makes a big difference but..
Previous error rate was 48% now about 5%There is a consistency with a lot of the errors with & without prefetch most are
41, -40, -81 , -122 to referenceWith prefetch off I did 600 readings ever 10 secs for a range of reference voltages
17 times error was 41
15 times error was -40
1 time error was -81
1 time error was -122This is still to high for some of my projects.
So I might need the addition of Averaging of N-X ADC samples as ST artical? -
I've just run a set of tests after noticing that the pico analog in reading is a lot less stable compared to the original.
I've also done a set of range tests where both devices are given the same fixed ref voltage. The original rock solid. I've tried adding a cap to ground on pico, I've tried other ana pins and multiple picos same results.
I'm not sure what I should expect I'm now considering and external ADC which is a shame.
Any ideas?//For example he's the log pico where I've linked v3.3 to A6
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:49:25 GMT,0.97535667963,4014
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:49:35 GMT,0.97633325703,4014
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:49:45 GMT,0.97804226749,4014
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:49:55 GMT,0.99098191805,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:50:05 GMT,0.98902876325,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:50:15 GMT,0.99439993896,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:50:25 GMT,0.99439993896,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:50:35 GMT,0.99537651636,4096
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:50:45 GMT,0.99537651636,4096
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:50:55 GMT,0.98707560845,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:51:05 GMT,0.99537651636,4096
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:51:15 GMT,0.97535667963,4014
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:51:25 GMT,0.99439993896,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:51:35 GMT,0.99537651636,4096
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:51:45 GMT,0.99098191805,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:51:55 GMT,0.99098191805,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:52:05 GMT,0.99537651636,4096
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:52:15 GMT,0.99439993896,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:52:25 GMT,0.99098191805,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:52:35 GMT,0.99098191805,4055
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:52:45 GMT,0.99537651636,4096Lawrence
@Rollo I it looks like your assuming these cables are carrying 230v AC?
So please proceed with Caution as It can kill if not used safely!!The first step is see if the bell system is using 230v.
Can you see and take pic of the bell sounder unit?If not do you have a multi meter?
If so could you measure the voltage between the 2 joined Brown (Live) and 2 joined Blue (Neutral) . You will need to put your probe into the remaining hole in the connector (orange & transparent thing) .If the system is using 230v they you need a interposing relay one who's coil is 230v/ac that would connect to the button cable & neutral and it's volt free contacts can drive the digital input on Pico.
Hi just to say got a MCP4725 - DAC working (thanks to some Python code form johnwhittington) on the Pico. I'm using Sparkfun module but Ada Fruit do one too.
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12918?_ga=1.22340158.462334063.1427963564var voltage = 4095; var dac = [2]; voltage = (voltage > 4095) ? 4095 : voltage; // MCP4725 expects a 12bit data stream in two bytes (2nd & 3rd of transmission) dac[0] = (voltage >> 8) & 0xFF; // [0 0 0 0 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8] (first bits are modes for our use 0 is fine) dac[1] = voltage & 0xFF; // [D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0] I2C1.setup({scl:b6, sda:b7, bitrate:100000}); I2C1.writeTo(0x60,[dac[0],dac[1]]);
@allObjects & @Gordon I'm happy to set-up a rig as proposed and test releases.
At Google IO this week Polymer web components are now production ready
Not SVG sexey but responsive cross browser, with Web notification (Push notifications for the web) helpers. And you can build your own elements. -
An enclosure like this should have an IP rating. IP66 "Powerful water jets" is good enough
I use Fibox You can get internationally from Farnell/Element 13/newark This has a clear cover
http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?CMP=i-ddd7-00001003&sku=2473462To get fully water proof you will have to Pot the electronics and leads.
@ytai very good, kids just love physical computing
@user54159 thanks for this on the moveable-type page there is a line to Block xxTEA
""The more recent Block TEA is simpler and more effective, especially for arbitrary-length strings."" http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/tea-block.htmlWould that be a better choice?
@allObjects neat find! dojo looks like a very interesting framework.
Have been googling SVG based widgets there are quite a few libs and this one for knobs http://eskimoblood.github.io/jim-knopf/
And for a bit of fun http://bl.ocks.org/brattonc/5e5ce9beee483220e2f6 NB. hit refresh once page loads
And I would love to create something like this http://demo.hmi-project.com/system/ the HIM Project are the goto guys for industrial HMIs.
@Gordon thanks for the heads-up and very thoughtful reply. Agreed about needing front end ninja skill. In many web agencies you should see the bun fights between UX/UI and Devs. over pixel perfect UI elements!!
As for coms from browser to device having done Ajax polling for web UIs for years, web sockets have been a joy and rock solid & personally I would go back to Ajax but that said it works.
And extending the http server for web socket support is beyond me!Secure browser to device connectivity is a must so hears hopping HTTPs isn't too long in coming.
@DrAzzy agree about http. But I've come across a lot folk who can do embedded but don't know where to start with building web apps. I've helped quite a few in the electricimp & node-red communities do it and it would be great to point them at a simple App builder that talked to their device.
MQTT was invented by IBM to allow constrained devices talk to industrial SCADA systems. It's been around for ages & is widely supported. One reason I assume Gordon added a library for it.
A wee update blynk.cc went live on App store a few days ago it crashes all the time :( & as @Gordon has said their API sucks (my words not his!) evothings.com this hasn't moved on much since I first discovered this a long while back.
This brings me to @mkarliner thingstud.io thought as Mark say's the UI isn't that sexy at the moment it's the easy is's to integrate too. All the services I've listed he's the only one who's bothered to come to talk to us.
@mkarliner one question for you? have you considered offering MQTT hosting as you've solved one part of the problem but left many with a fence they rather not jump e.g. setting up an MQTT broker and I can't find a free cloud service and HiveMQ is near 90 EUR a year!
@Gordon thanks going to go with the original board as a data logger with a SanDisk SDSDQXP-008G-X46 8 GB Extreme Pro as they have a near industrial spec.
@JumJum and @allObjects work on a monitoring plug-in
that is great work@Gordon I've also requested Espruino support from http://evothings.com/ Forgot to ask any plans for Web sockets support for both Http & MQTT?
Yep, looks like MQTT is for their server. But my hope is they are just one of the early guys in this space and someone will solve this in the right way for constrained devices.
On the security front what, if ever, is the likely hood of having TLS/SSL support on espruino?
If it is possible, is it a big undertaking? -
@Gordon Blynk have just released an early version of their HW client (library) https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/blob/master/docs/Implementing.md
Arr spoke too soon! error rate down and oddly all errors occurred at 2/3 vin 2.475v :: 3072 on ADC . In all cases the error was +41 the cap helps for sure but I'm going to try N-X avrg.
BTW I looked at the original board log and it was erroring too at 2/3 vin when USB powered.