@user71504 I'd try rule out a glitch with the IDE - it's not unheard of for things to break between the chrome app and the OS version - so maybe try connect from the command line using the 'screen' command. I'd also consider using esptool's 'erase_flash' option before flashing. This will wipe the ESP8266-01. Failing this, I'd be looking at the board itself. If you have another try that.
A few of the above, but I've also tried Adafruit Bluefruit Buddy on Mac which does UART and has a minimalist console which worked without any config tweaks out the box (though you wouldn't want to key much to it).
And also eBeacon on iPhone for detecting beacons advertising via Eddystone.
Both available from respective app stores.
It's one connection at a time. Once connected the pucks don't continue advertising. There are a couple of other threads in the puck.js forum section, so you may have already found your answers. If not check this thread out http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/297154/#comment13362559
Happy you are getting there.
@Gordon so when you ask for a HTTPS resource via Espruino, your request can fallback onto HTTP if board doesn't support HTTPS, and you may not know about it?
I don't think this is best approach personally - lot of sites running both services currently whilst trying to transition to TLS.
Can't help with schematics, but re motors.. @allObjects recently pointed me in the direction of "H-bridge" circuits. It was a good steer.
I've got this - "Are you pucker?" an "are you human" verification check.
Struck me that this sort of tech could do two factor auth of sorts, even though here I'm just checking for humans, it could be ideal for a highly secretive forum dedicated to Puck owners ;)
Very unfinished but the comms with Puck work. At least for me. You can grasp the idea.
It's hosted on Github, so as HTML and JS it's totally hackable I expect, but someone could make this more secure going serverside I imagine.
Horrid code is down to me editing it in place on github. Seemed easiest when I started out :/
I also started with Espruino on the ESP8266-01. It's limited on available pins and breadboard interfacing, plus power was a problem for me for a while.
If I did it all again, I'd get a NodeMCU or maybe another board that has power and serial interface sorted first and only look at the boards like 01 and 12 for later when considering how application might be best deployed.
Great work! Though I only loosely understand what was involved, I did infer the lack of these features in the SDK release might have been a showstopper for you and @JumJum.
Little did I know!
We're not a team as such, just a community who jump in and out as time permits. You're absolutely welcome to ask your question in Gitter - or jump on the Github issue you linked - both are for everyone. I'm sure the people familiar with the C aspects of Espruino and the ESP8266 port in particular (which I am not) will answer your question on current state and any likely future state re static IP addresses.
I don't think that will help you. Your firmware flash of Espruino will likely replace the Expressif AT command set firmware, and even if it didn't, Espruino would not make reference to it.
Maybe Espruino could be built to use a different AP IP address? I don't know if possible, but if it is possible, it will be in the espruino source code not the compiled binary. You should ask some questions in the Espruino gitter channel (https://gitter.im/espruino/Espruino) where the folk who know more about the ESP8266 port can often be found.
When used as an access point the IP is always You can't change it AFAIK.
When used as a station connected to an access point, I've found creating a reserved IP on the router, based on the MAC address, to be convenient. ESP8266 will always be assigned the same IP - efectively 'static' IP when it connects.
I'd suggest it is the tab you need to remove. I only knew it was there since I'd heard @Gordon mention it previously. It's a fiddle to get hold of though mine was inset into the PCB not flush with the side so there's not much to get hold of - I had to take the battery out, remove the tab and refit. No big deal, but a bit of an overhang would be better.
@Gordon, they're very nicely put together and packaged. Very pleased with them, lots of potential.
Re that URL... if you hit https:// in a web browser it returns, but if you attempt http:// it does not respond and I guess it will timeout. That would seem to be inline with what you are seeing given you can't call the https endpoint? It looks they've not implemented a HTTP service/listener or redirection to https://, at least not for that endpoint.
Oh. I only have two more suggestions then - flash at a lower baud rate - I can't tell what the speed was from the snippet, and lastly try an earlier version of the binary - and maybe not just the combined file try the user1.bin, blank.bin and boot_v1.6.bin approach. I have 1.87.