I'm a bit new to this github thing.
I forked the repo and now I see 2 branches to choose "master" and "espruino-master". I made some changes to my code and I think I was in "master". Now I tried to pull changes at the original repo, but I can't. It says "This branch is 353 commits behind the upstream and has conflicts that must be resolved.".
I opened a "pull request", I think that means, that my changes are going to be merged into the original repo and then I can pull again.
My changes are very subtle. Is there a way to get back to the "current state" of the original repo, and do my changes there, so I can keep up to date with Gordon's changes?
Or... I mean... I'm a bit lost how to work with github. -
What is your workflow to test an app? I think I'm doing it wrong. I do:
- change local code
- Use GitHub Desktop to commit changes
- Push changed to "master" - I think, that's my forked repository
- Wait for Actions to finish
- Go to https://MY_NAME.github.io/BangleApps
- disconnect gadgetbridge
- connect to Bangle.JS
- uninstall the app
- re-install the changed app
- disconnect + reconnect to phone
- send a message
- see it doesn't work
- try not to curse
- repeat
I'm messing with the 'messages' app, so I need to test notifications from gadgetbridge
- change local code
Hi, just made a case for the watch:
The watchface I did here:
https://github.com/KungPhoo/BangleApps/tree/master/apps/glbasicIt's mostly a copy/paste of other clocks.
Sealed the hole with epoxy. Yesterday I was in a thermal bath and a steam sauna (are these the correct terms, google?) and battery dropped during these 2 hours from 100 to 90%.
The battery curve looks alright afterwards, so I guess it's water proof now.