When you restarted the Bangle,was the clock actually telling you the right time? Or could the problem be that the clock just didn't display the time correctly?
Yes, after the reboot the time was right.
If the Bangle actually totally locked up it could be an issue, but if you could reset it by holding the button that means that the system timer was working and time should probably have been kept ok.
Ok, so it was probably an issue with Contour Clock? Before the reboot I could not open the settings with the button.
Sorry for the intrusion...
We should hopefully soon have a Gadgetbridge app modified specifically for Bangle.js
Could you elaborate? The new app will be a Gadgetbridge without non-Bangle stuff?
I'm a Java/Kotlin developer (although not an Android expert) and I'd like to help in my free time.and the plan is for this to have the app loader hosted inside it.
That's what I was hoping for, great! :-)
Hi Gordon, thank you for your answer.
Are you sure it was set correctly at the start?
100% sure
All I can think is maybe something kept rebooting it - a reboot can lose a few seconds and if it happens over and over it could add up
We didn't notice but now we'll keep an eye on it ;-)
I don't know if it's related somehow but he previous Sunday (30/01) her Bangle stuck at some point. She noticed over half an hour later that the time was wrong and she cannot open the launcher (the default clock was Contour Clock v0.01). She had to restart with the physical button. This time, however, it wasn't stuck.
This morning my wife took her Bangle2 from the bedside table and she noticed the time was wrong, ~100 minutes behind.
She didn't use the Bangle2 during the weekend. In fact, her Bangle stood still on the bedside table for all the weekend (no connection with store nor GB).
Her default clock is Contour Clock v0.01 but I don't think this is the issue: the time was wrong in the Bangle settings. The firmware is v2.12 (latest stable). Battery is > 50%.
Is a Store/GB connection required to keep time updated?
Has this happened to anyone else?
Thank you :-)
Counting steps when making a rythmic forwards and backwards motion is a standard way to fool all step counters.
I know it, which is why sometimes I would like to (temporarily) stop the step counter. I'd like press a "pause counter" button, swept the garden sidewalk and then press a "unpause counter" button :-D
Is it technically possible to develop a js app that does this?
Today I wore both a Bangle2 and a Mi Band 5 on the same arm.
Before the treadmill: Bangle2 1683 vs Mi Band 1046 steps.
After 2 Km on the treadmill: 3557 vs 3480 so the Bangle counted 1874 vs 2434 steps.
(I read that small and short activities are ignored by Mi Band by design, e.g. I walk from study to kitchen, pause, and then from kitchen to study: Bangle counted 10+11 steps vs 0 by Mi Band).
I attached the log of the treadmill walk, hope it helps!
Its purpose is to say, if we dont have activity above this threshold then dont look for steps. Setting too low you overcount, too high and you undercount
Is there a way to change the threshold from the Bangle? Or a way to temporarily disable the steps counter? E.g. before lunch I swept the garden sidewalk and the Bangle (but Mi Band also) counted over 100 steps but I was "standing" in place.
thank you guys for your work!This is my experience with latest firmware:
- I noticed almost zero fake-steps while working (I'm a developer so I sit in front of the pc all day) - GOOD!
- An hour ago I took a short walk (~ 2Km) on my treadmill. In the first two minutes I counted ~90 steps/min but my Bangle2 only showed ~30 steps/min (speed set to 4Km/h) The next two minutes I set speed to 6Km/h and I counted ~115 steps/min but the Bangle2 showed ~95 steps/min. I didn't count the rest of the walk because I lost count but I noticed that the accuracy increases as speed increases. Has anyone else noticed the same thing?
I just installed the logger, next time I'll try to record the walk
ps: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for mistakes
- I noticed almost zero fake-steps while working (I'm a developer so I sit in front of the pc all day) - GOOD!
To avoid overlapping of strings what if we put the menu name in top left and its value in bottom right?