I hadn't tried switching from https://banglejs.com/apps/, I confirm it worked the first time with no problems.
Why it is not a default setting for processes is clear to me but in some cases I believe it is essential to have a process that remains in the background for the time necessary. I see more as a problem the correct coding of applications with the exit of the correct process at the right time.
Thanks anyway for the explanation, slowly I'm getting to know this fantastic project better!
Maybe I'm not doing things right, to return to the main menu from the application I hold down button 3. In this way, applications that should remain active in the background such as the countdown timer or a stopwatch come out and stop running.
1) is it correct to keep button 3 pressed to return to the main menu?
2) if it is correct, how can I do on the programming side to ensure that my app is always in the background?Thank you!
I am interested in "turning off" the sensors (gps, temperature, hrm ...) when I deem it necessary.
From ide trying to turn off the hrm sensor it seems to me that it reactivates independently, probably some app calls an activation.
If I make an app that turns off the sensors is it bypassed by these other calls?
Is there a risk of doing unnecessary work?
Is there a solution to this need?Thanks!
tested now also with firmware 2v10.42
not solved