Today I ran a few km, about 50 minutes.
Following the directions the GPS got the signal in about 2 minutes, I enabled on "record" GPS, battery, steps and HR.
I started with about 60% battery, I came back with 58%.
Although the reading of the battery may be untrue, I would say that the test was more than satisfactory.A detail that I do not know if it is important, before exiting I realized that I still had the bootloader version 2.10 and I made the update to 2.12.
Today I took a short walk with the beloved B2, I activated EVERYTHING on the recorder and started the RUN application.
The excursion was short, about 3 hours, the GPS aligned after 1 hour.
After 2 hours the B2 left me walking with the black screen, I think because of the battery (I started with about 80% charge).Now the questions are 2:
1) how can I do to have a faster satellite lock?
I didn't understand too well how to use the AGPS app and if I have to use it before every ride (which would be very inconvenient)
2) how can I debug in order to understand where the problem is and if it actually concerns the ultra-fast discharge of the device's battery?Thank you!
To "turn off the bluetooth" I use the command:
NRF.sleep ();
For example, the idea is to put the sensors to sleep, especially the bluetooth when I go to bed or when I don't want connections.
So the general line is I set the setting and don't use any other apps for a while.
I wish I could do everything from one of my apps.So you confirm that all the apps on the device check the setting in settings.json?
I fear more there is anarchy and everyone activates and deactivates the sensors as needed.Wouldn't it make sense to have a reference layer that apps need to verify in order to proceed? (maybe it might already be the settings.json file)
A little bit what happens on all the various devices, if I activate an app that requires bluetooth, it warns me that it is disabled and requires activation.Then I don't know if it's feasible in practice ..
I think the most important thing is accessibility.
imho this must be optimized for use at the desk but also during an outdoor activity.
I am attaching a video of one of the most used devices in the world, all menus are identical, clearly legible and selectable with the buttons (nothing prevents you from using them even touch if necessary).
It's just an example, a simple one that I hope will be useful. -
But precisely what is the difference between "make connectable" and the activation in ON of the bluetooth?
My only problem with the settings is that I have to use glasses to use it, this menu is really too small and if I am out for sports I give up on that menu.
In any case, I adapt, and even so it does not cause me problems (Apart from fixing the "back" selection, whether it is always the first or the last.) -
I am attaching a video, the touch and the button work without problems.