Thanks. I can't do a factory reset after updating, because nothing works then. I might try the factory reset first, then update to 2v25.
What's puzzling is that the problems aren't consistent. They aren't intermittent either; it's just that after a few updates and downdates etc., the problems change. (To me that suggests that a reset might well work.)
I'm temporarily content on 2v12; all I need the watch for is a couple of my own apps.
A string of many "OK" messages while loading the firmware v25, then after it's done, "Uncaught storage updated!" That's a new one; it didn't occur before, when I updated to v25.
But now in v25 the button doesn't work (it says "loading" permanently), and something I can't read is put onto the watch face behind the time display. Those are new problems as well.
I've gone back to v12 now just to be able to see my watch face. No problems there. Everything works (watch app, button, screen, settings, etc.).
New problem: in firmware version 24 or 25, the touchscreen on the bangle.js 2 is unresponsive—partly. I can still operate my watch time by the touchscreen, but after pressing the button and "loading," the screen is unresponsive. Nothing can be scrolled, and nothing can be selected (e.g. Settings, Apps).
If I go back to firmware version 12, the problem goes away and everything works.
Any ideas? Flatten the battery?
Success. Thank you all.
I am not an IT person; the github repo for doztime (bangle.js 2) was created by someone else. I was unaware of the changes mentioned from 7 months ago. When imported into my variant watch code (it changes the start time for the year and the day; otherwise it's the same dozenal Holocene watch face as on github), that code loads from the IDE with the latest watch firmware, which it did not before—why not, being the original question, now answered.
No further issues at this time.
This is the github bangle.js2 app that runs the code in question: doztime. But the code isn't likely the problem. The github app runs under all firmware versions. The non-github app with the same "problem" code line runs under 2v12 but not 2v25 when loaded from the Espruino web IDE, which is the only way I know to load it onto the watch.
I've been running 2v12 for a long time, fearing that an upgrade would disallow one homegrown app that loads from the Espruino web IDE via Bluetooth. Today I upgraded to 2v24 and then 2v25. Both declare:
Uncaught ReferenceError: "time" is not defined
at line 1 col 646
...f,res.colour);writeDozTime(time,timeDef);g.flip();drawtime_t...In firmware 2v12, that error does not occur, and the app runs properly, except for showing FIFO_FULL. (FIFO_FULL does not occur with the later firmware versions, of course.)
Here's the catch: a github app that's almost the same runs fine under all the firmware versions. The offending line above is identical to what runs in the github app, which of course is not loaded onto the watch via the Espruino IDE.
So, is something wrong with the IDE, and can I fix it?
I haven't tried to update firmware in a long time, because I don't think I need to—my js2 is used solely as a dozenal clock—and I'm afraid of the result of updating. I can say that malaire's Adjust Clock widget works well in my case. I'm still determining what my best setting is, although it's likely to be in the 66+ range, for about 5.7+ seconds a day fast, ca. 40 seconds a week.
With an older Apple computer, Bluetooth connection was no problem. The watch showed up and I could pair with it. Now trying to connect the watch to a new Macintosh M3, I get "Connected to Web Serial, webserial:0 (No response from board)," then "Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover..," which doesn't do anything. So I can't upload anything into the watch, it seems.
The Bangle troubleshooting page is incomprehensible to me. Suggestions how to reconnect would be appreciated.
@Gordon If you ever need characters to test or to "hard code," let me know. I can discuss the essential characters in all the European languages, including those in Cyrillic, although I'm guessing that would be going a bit beyond.
If your watch gains or loses time noticeably, I suggest installing the widget Adjust Clock by @malaire, which enables accurate timekeeping. Use of that would change Alessandro's statement slightly.
Text-based media may give odd results, including unwanted, undeserved remarks. @Gordon has enabled me to do things I've only dreamed of and deserves high credit and plaudits for his hard work and devotion, not to mention knowledge and skill.
That is unchangeable even if another boon would be easier workings with Apple's mobile phones. Apple doesn't make it easy, I know. Still, perhaps some day, even with Bangle 2.
Now with optional calendar date in two formats. Ordinal is shown, with dithered blue. (The colour #00f is too dark.) So as not to interfere with the time, the date appears briefly or not at all.
I've had a watch face in the app loader for a few years which may have no other user, and I'm about to produce a variant. Although Gordon may have a different answer, those interested in the topic the watches are allied to may be pleased to find them there.
In other words, it's research, and there seems to me no better place for the results.
As for colours, I don't need 64, but 8 are too few. I can get by, but 16 would be better by more than what the factor of 2 suggests. A little higher resolution would be good, also better accuracy if possible (although @malaire has taken care of that for this watch). I don't need more buttons, however.
All said, it's still a joy to work with this watch as it is and to see the results.
And now for something completely different: dozenal time in imitation analog, with hands. Above is the explanation of the time reckoning, which is the same here. The four digits in the display immediately above are converted to hands, from left to right: red, yellow, green white. The white hand, which moves every 1.04167 second, may be shown or hidden.
Many thanks to @Andreas_Rozek for his model Bangle.js watch faces and his help with this project. Eventually this analog face should appear in the public app loader, along with the digital dozenal watch face already there.
(The time below is easily read as E3X.19 (E=eleven, X=ten). The equivalent on a traditional watch is 22:39:57.292.)
Very helpful, thanks. Although changing firmware has brought all the noted problems plus a few more, at some point I will still try what you suggest.