I think the light and dark theme would be better as below:
This does mean a bit more switching between g.setColor(g.theme.fg) and g.setColor(g.theme.fg); But its should be possible with your first version of code to code it up to display as it did and then changing themes via the settings menu should just completely invert it when next started. -
Hi @crazysaem - I hope you dont mind me saying I think the light colour scheme was right in your first version.
v0.11 - seems to have diluted the contrast in both theme cases.
There is no global variable store on Bangle. The only way to persist a value across loading one app to another is to write what you want to share to a json file. This is fairly easy to do. Looking at any app that has a settings file will show you how to do this. You can then load your state back into the app when it starts up. The other way is to make a widget that stays loaded but again widgets get started and stopped so need to save any state or variables they want to persist across reloads.
Hi @crazysaem DEBUG is set to true in boot.js
Try a reboot. Long press the button until the watch reboots.
It looks like you need to set the date / time up.
Connect to the App Loader at:
https://banglejs.com/apps/Click the connect button.
Select you watch (bluetooth id ce08)
Then select About on the top right of the web page
Scroll down and select SetTime from the utilities. -
Many thanks @Gordon. Have done a pull request for Rebble and Pebble dependancy updates.
2.10.x no. . The early versions of 2.10 were before Bangle 2 was available. All kickstarter builds shipped with 2.10.219, that's the closest to an official Bangle 2 f/m release at the moment.
I don't think the nightly build link has all previous builds, if that’s what you mean? I guess the worst thing that could happen is that the cutting edge build broke something badly but it would get picked up really quickly and there would be a fix by the next morning.
As I understand it 2.11.0 is due any day now. But there are regular builds of the firmware known as cutting edge builds. This does not mean they are buggy but they do sometimes have new features that are being tested in the real world and may sometimes need to be rethought, based on feedback from those who have maybe contributed fixes or who have tested. I tend to upgrade to the latest cutting edge build every few weeks. I have only once ran into issues.
Main reason to upgrade is to get specific bug fixes that can't be done in Apps.
The main noticeable changes come in the Apps.
Given it takes me most of Monday just to >go through the emails I got over the >weekend I'm not looking forward to >coming back after 2 weeks off!
Maybe point everyone to the Forums.
Bangle 2 is looking great @Gordon.
Can't get dependancies to work with widgets.
{ "id": "rebble", "name": "Rebble Clock", "shortName": "Rebble", "version": "0.02", "description": "A Pebble style clock, with configurable background, three sidebars including steps, day, date, sunrise, sunset, long live the rebellion", "readme": "README.md", "icon": "rebble.png", "dependencies": {"mylocation":"app"}, "dependencies": {"widpedom":"widget"}, "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_rebble.png"}], "type": "clock", "tags": "clock", "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], "storage": [ {"name":"rebble.app.js","url":"rebble.app.js"}, {"name":"rebble.settings.js","url":"rebble.settings.js"}, {"name":"rebble.img","url":"rebble.icon.js","evaluate":true} ] },
I also tried
"dependencies": [{"mylocation":"app"},{"widpedom":"widget"}],
But this resulted in an Object Object error.
I think provided you document what the incompatibilities might be it should not be a problem.
For example I have two watch faces that are full screen and dont display the widgets; I
do load the widgets but then ensure that they dont draw on the screen.