I guess it is kinda to be expected because the setting.json file will be deleted on update?
This is most likely default behavior of the app loader, or maybe it is intentional to prevent unwanted side effects between versions.
Either way, I guess @Gordon could work around this. Might take him a little way to comment on this due to Holidays, I guess early Jan next year.
So taking the doztime code from github and uploading to the emulator as Bangle2 (or to the Bangle2 itself) I get the following errors:
Uncaught Error: Function "sleep" not found! at line 4 col 45 in .boot0 if (!NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) NRF.sleep(); ^ > >Uncaught Error: setLCDMode is unsupported on this device at line 1 col 19 Bangle.setLCDMode(); ^ >Uncaught ReferenceError: "BTN2" is not defined at line 1 col 48 ... Bangle.showLauncher(); }, BTN2, { repeat: false, edge: "fal... ^ >Uncaught ReferenceError: "BTN3" is not defined at line 1 col 40 setWatch(function(){ modeWeather(); }, BTN3, {repeat:true}); ^ >Uncaught ReferenceError: "BTN4" is not defined at line 1 col 45 ...(){ toggleTimeDigits(); }, BTN4, {repeat:true}); ^ >Uncaught ReferenceError: "BTN5" is not defined at line 1 col 45 ...(){ toggleDateFormat(); }, BTN5, {repeat:true});
So NRF and setLCDMode are to be expected because the emulator does not have NRF and the Bangle2 does not support LCD modes.
And the others are related to the button definitions that are not supported on the Bangle2 either.
But you could work around with that probably by using above code from Gordon.
Not sure why you are seeing different errors. Maybe some browser caching issue?
As @johan_m_o states, you are supposed to first boot into the bootloader mode (the one with =====).
After that search the device in the NRF toolbox, but it will not show up as Bangle.js 31f1 but as Dfutarg. Selected that and it should be working fine. -
Ok, not sure if this was mentioned above because TLDR ;-) but I just stumbled upon this:
If you connect GB app the first time, Android will ask whether to pair to the watch (at least for me it did). Now from that point on GB will work, but the phone will also appear in Androids list of BT devices as paired.
If you some reason you reset or reinstall the GB app on the phone, you will not get it connected again to the watch unless you explicitly remove the pairing in Androids list of BT devices. Maybe that helps out someone.
Is it because the Bangle is routinely being connected and disconnected?
For me it's when GB loses connection, which happens quiet frequently. Not sure why yet. I'll try updating everything and will keep an eye on it. Seems like it happens more frequently when I have other BT devices running simultanously from the phone, like earbuds.
Is there a way to detect whether the watch is a v1 or v2 from code?
Background: I plan on tweaking the Numerals clock face, because on the Bangle2 the colors used look weak compared to the Bangle1. So I would like to choose the color palette depending on the watch type.
EDIT: I guess you could use g.getWidth() to see if its either 176 (Bangle2) or 240 (Bangle1) right?
Are you waiting from Europe?
Yep, Germany to be specific. I think Gordon is still working on figuring out how to ship without having us to pay import tax again (thanks Royal mail for the screw up). ;-) I'm being patient, I already have my Bangle 1 and I'm happy with it. Couldn't withstand backing the Bangle 2 though.
I experience the same with my Bangle 1, but the other way round. The buttons are mushy until I work them in for a while. Usually they start working properly after a few presses. I believe this has to do with poor quality of the seals/lubrication of the button. I don't think there is really anything you can do about it. I have yet to receive my Bangle 2, so I have no other advice right now.
Here are my two cents:
I see no advantages putting it the right way up.
Sideways has all the mentioned benefits and I was also immediately thinking about rotating the screen. Installing an extra app for that I don't see as a disadvantage. Whoever is bothered by the screen being sideways while charging gets an pretty easy fix at no cost.
Anything on the Bangle.js 1 stand that you disliked?
I'm using @Mabe's 3d printed stand and that works perfectly for me.
I updated my Bangle to cutting edge version 2v09.175
I also updated all apps that where out of date. Now when I receive a message and Gadgetbridge widget shows it (using full screen notification) and I tap to dismiss the message, it returns to the clock face (Numerals) and immeditaley loads the app launcher menu.
Not sure whats going on there.
I experience the same behaviour, not sure if it started with 2v08 though.
Numerals clock, Gadgetbridge, full screen notifications, most of the time I get endless vibration.
It does not happen with the Morphing clock.
Not sure what it is that I'm doing differently in the Numerals code and no idea how to debug it... -
Ok, so I did not have time yesterday evening to reset everything, but I flashed 2v07 to see if it changes anything.
This morning I unplugged and battery went from 100% down to 75% in 5 hours.So around noon I took time to flash 2v08 and install default apps. I then reuploaded my usual apps and widgets but left out the custom boot. Now it lost only 1% in the last 2 hours.
So something fishy was going on, like some process not shutting down and drawing power all the time.
But as I said I think it started when I started messing around with the powerSave setting. Could it be, that once it is disable it does not automatically reenable if the setting is removed? I did try
but that didn't seem to help though. (Then again you said even with it disabled it shouldn't draw more the 1mah...) -
And it's definitely 2v08 and not a cutting edge build that you installed?
Yes, I double checked.
Even better if you can just install default apps in the app loader to rule out any apps/widgets you might have installed.
I'll give it a try.
Is the screen ever turning off?
Yes it is. It behaves normally as far as I can tell, only the battery indicator is going down way too quickly. BTW at 77% now, thats 7% in 3 hours...
I think something is wrong with my watch. Ever since I tested the powerSave:false option my battery drains really fast. Yesterday I lost about 80% in one day, literally doing nothing except showing time once in a while.
I reflashed 2v08 yesterday evening and explicitly added the powerSave:true to the custom.boot.js but today after fully charging over night I'm down to 84% after 5 hours.
Is there a way to check if powerSave is already enabled?
@Raik is there any trick to it? eg movement?
Not sure. I'm wearing it and I have wake on twist enabled. I uploaded the code and when I later checked the Web IDE it was disconnected. That's when I saw that my default watch face (Numerals) was loaded, but with a incorrect time, like 02:05.
So it seems to reboot and "forget" the current time. Strange indeed. The Web IDE console did not show any error messages though.
I also seems to happen very irregularly, now its running for over and hour working fine.BTW: I did not press any buttons in the meantime.
ChangeLog from 2v07 says:
Shrink new vector font sizes to allow multi-line use (fix #1873)
related to this issue: https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/issues/1873
So yeah, I guess this is more or less intended behaviour.
What app are you trying to upgrade and what boot screen do you mean? The Bangle js logo with the watch icon?
Have you tried installing the default apps via Banglejs.com/apps >> About page?