Yep: the idea was getting Espruino devices more in focus to ensure finance for Espruino SW.
The micro:bit ram/flash is at the moment too little and an opportunity for Espruino devices to come forth and show what is on board javascript (zx80 experience).
I have some more orders for puck.js: just waiting a bit to save postage.
In order to get batches of 20's ordered, some form of indication of quantity for Denmark is needed so I can get a local distributor interested (not me: I have real life work, micro controllers are "free time").
There are also orders that I do not see from people I have shown the puck.js / Espruino experience to.
https://github.com/sandeepmistry/node-bluetooth-hci-socket#compatible-bluetooth-40-usb-adapters so BCM20702A0 is ok for nobel
Check the VID PID
BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.0 0x19ff 0x0239 BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.0 0x0489 0xe07a
At the present time, I have no Windows 7 machine at hand: a lenovo with probable bcm in the celler but instead I looked at the following
For Windows earlier than 8.1
Since Windows versions earlier than 8.1 don't support Web Bluetooth in
the OS, noble (which the Espruino IDE uses) has to be able to access
the BLE adaptor directly - so you have to make sure the WinUSB driver
is loaded for it (as opposed to a manufacturer-specific driver).Download Zadig and run it - it's just an executable Go to Options ->
List all Devices Choose your BLE adaptor (mine is CSR8510 A10) Make
sure WinUSB is set as the driver Now when you next run the Native Web
IDE and click 'connect' in the top left, you should see a list of
connectable BLE devices.Well, in theory, my Windows 10 with zadig could operate like a pre-8.1: ie nobel.
(I have zadig installed and nobel from node gives no problems).However, the Native Web IDE ("The Web IDE is available as a download for 64 bit Windows:") does not work with my Windows 10 / Zadig setup.
Is this a "good" test???
Well look at the error message at the top and think about the issue I posted at noble.
https://github.com/sandeepmistry/noble/issues/553I think that the hci module needs a refresh
We have chrome.serial - not using 'serialport' module 'noble' module couldn't be loaded, no node.js Bluetooth Low Energy Error: No compatible USB Bluetooth 4.0 device found! Disable Web Bluetooth as we have Winnus instead serial_audio: Audio Sample rate : 48000 serial_audio: Audio Serial Baud 9600 Bit time 5 Web Bluetooth available, but Windows Web Bluetooth is broken in <=56 - not using it GET chrome.storage.sync = {"AUTO_SAVE_CODE":true,"BAUD_RATE":9600,"BLOCKLY_EXTENSIONS":"|bluetooth|robot|","BLOCKLY_LANGUAGE":"en","BLOCKLY_TO_JS":false,"BOARD_JSON_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/json","CODE":"console.log(\"Hello World\");\n","COMPILATION":true,"COMPILATION_URL":"http://www.espruino.com:32766","ENABLE_Testing":false,"ENV_ON_CONNECT":true,"FONT_SIZE":12,"MINIFICATION_DeadCode":true,"MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"","MINIFICATION_Literal":true,"MINIFICATION_Mangle":true,"MINIFICATION_Unreachable":true,"MINIFICATION_Unused":true,"MODULE_AS_FUNCTION":false,"MODULE_EXTENSIONS":".min.js|.js","MODULE_MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"ESPRIMA","MODULE_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/modules","NPM_MODULES":false,"RESET_BEFORE_SEND":true,"SAVE_ON_SEND":0,"SERIAL_AUDIO":"0","SERIAL_TCPIP":"","SERIAL_THROTTLE_SEND":false,"SET_TIME_ON_WRITE":true,"SHOW_CODE_LINK_ICON":false,"SHOW_WEBCAM_ICON":"1","STORE_LINE_NUMBERS":true,"Sound_Error":"","Sound_Info":"","Sound_Success":"","Sound_Warning":"","Speak_Error":false,"Speak_Info":false,"Speak_Success":false,"Speak_Warning":false,"UI_MODE":"compact","projectEntry":"8DB63F1B94AD04598A6AA31F994EAAA8:Documents"} Initialising SettingsConsole Initialising Utils Initialising Config Initialising Notifications Initialising Status Initialising App Initialising File Initialising Code Initialising Serial - Initialising Serial Chrome Serial - Initialising Serial Chrome Socket - Initialising Serial Windows NUS BLE - Initialising Serial Audio Initialising Terminal OUTPUT REMOVED: just Initialising
Can someone help with confirm this diagram for interfacing to 3v devices like puck.js?
http://www.espruino.com/HC-SR04 may then get a PR if an authoritative input is given
The diagram is stolen from something which I cannot remember.
How about a trip to Copenhagen one day: I think Martin would like a easily consumable Gordon session where inspiration to play and learn for kids is interesting.
micro:bit foundation and espruino are tangental in there aims so some form of micro:bit foundation and esruino way would also need to be taken care of.
The weather in Copenhagen is better in the Spring and if I can take care of some of the burden from Martin, it could be a great session if you have time and some form of payment (budget(s) unknown)
/cc Martin
A question from Martin who asks if a micro:bit can control, via an IR sender
https://shop.lego.com/en-US/LEGO-Power-Functions-IR-Remote-Control-8885So I sent Martin a link to the video for puck.js
Martin leads the volenteer coding group for kids https://codingpirates.dk/hovedbestyrelsen/Possible good PR I can say " a puck.js can :) "
A bit of thread hijacking but some hints for anyone wanting to use Zadig and nobel to access compatibility https://github.com/sandeepmistry/noble/issues/553
The key points are getting Zadig to install on the bluetooth device.
Use the video for overall view : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL9B8wuEdms
Follow these requirements : https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#installation
git clone https://github.com/sandeepmistry/node-bluetooth-hci-socket.git
npm install and try node examples\node examples\le-scan-test.js : if it complains of unsupported adapter, then £5 could be cheaperHowever, if one is learning something, one can continue with the next step
git clone https://github.com/sandeepmistry/noble.git
npm install
and see what node examples\advertisement-discovery.js gives.
If no compat bluetooth, then in the noble dir do
npm install ..\node-bluetooth-hci-socketNote: the two clones should have the same parent directory.
I'm off to see if I can do a DFU from my windows 10 unless Gordon says it is impossible with an ordinary bluetooth adapter that is Zadig'ed
https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/nrf5-physical-web/issues/2 -
https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth/blob/gh-pages/implementation-status.md#chrome No connection although discovery possible :(
One day, something will work for Windows:
https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel -
For those who may be using Zadig: or maybe afraid to use Zadig, there is a WIP for documentation as it is my best way to learn.
I only have Windows 10: an installation of a Windows 7 on a test machine I have is not impossible if it helps those that support Espruino thru donations or buying products :)https://github.com/sandeepmistry/node-bluetooth-hci-socket/pull/54#issuecomment-277601713
For those who use Windows as their primary workstation and have to use putty and other things http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/ is the swiss army knife for almost anything that putty does plus other things.
There are many pieces of gold to be picked after a one click installation or portable non-installation.
There is a nice gif that shows some of what it does on the home page: in relation to Espruino, play and learn.
As the last comment states "no big issue": just a suprise
A comment to Gordons next comment: yes "mission accomplished" doc is good :)Edit
If I find a way for non-dropbox, I reawake the threadEdit
After installation of OneDrive on my android, OneDrive is also a choice together with Dropbox
As I compile the Espruino on a Windows 10, and DFU from the Android (for the moment) the usage of File sharing means no middle step to transfer the DFU file to the Android: just select from File sharing -
Dropbox is a system app on the Android device.
Disabling gives a choice of various File Browser options.
Re-enable gives only Dropbox: suggests some hidden preference for Dropbox or whatever.Summary: nRF Connect "expected behaviour" may not be what the end user sees due to the wonderfull world of possibilities.
Very quick video in my break.
https://1drv.ms/v/s!AjrUd3nKLXV84zgBfGZeQ2dl3lA- -
Very quick video in my break.
https://1drv.ms/v/s!AjrUd3nKLXV84zgBfGZeQ2dl3lA- -
Yep :) you tube is probably not in scope :)
Apologies for getting on the wrong channel (again) News http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13464812/
This thread is better, under General
The video that shows nRF Connect on Android may need an update as on a newly installed Android , there seems only to be access to Dropbox and not local files on the Android
I will setup a video capture of my Android device asap.
Sitting in a hospital waiting for an X-Ray with a puck.js in one hand and a new Android in the other I was able to DFU the device last night.
In the meantime, this morning, I did have some problems in viewing the present video: seems to work now and can be local problems.
I was given an Android mobile: life was too hard in this area with a Microsoft Windows mobile
It should be noted that bluetooth can be used to share an internet (ip connectivity) which I have done on for example a bluetooth phone.
The process is probably not easy but doable for an nRF52 and with flash and ram anything is possible if time is available.
There are reasons for doing this that have been discussed many times in micro:bit forums in classroom environments where there is a list of problems that are met IRL for teachers who wish an easy environment for play and learn with coding and interfacing to outside components.I was lucky in a sponsor for an Android tlf: so I have some more possibilities now to go thru some use cases for a POC
Great @MaBe : I can see we read the same things.
I get a few more pucks soon from Gordons web shop and the 12 and 24 neopixels should be coming soon so all that is left is some small problems with neopixels support
As Gordon is working hard on the puck.js and Espruino support and I am trying to show the puck.js as an addition on Arduino boards I thought I would write the following as an analysis.
New is nice, but the efforts to create support for a new device, nRF52840 would probably not be a "good idea"
Concentration on nRF52832 is the best for puck.js and possible future PCB break out.
I drop thoughts of nRF52840 : next year maybe.
This year? I hope for enough intressted people for the nRF52832 PCB but the puck.js is filling my needs at the moment, PCB would also be real great if possible, but not at the cost of time for puck.js
Does the forum support movement of a thread to another forum, so this very interesting thread is not under puck.js but "something else" as it isn't really puck.js?
Addition to Gordons comment: possible small difference in power consumption.
Some analysis of the difference at some time but just not now :)