wow: those stats just went high.
Not sure how to interpret puck.js perceived decrease in stat: this could be worrying but could be the event of something new (peek) and then into normal usage (january).I only buy original boards :) and micro:bit just hasn't the memory
Edit: Ok Ok, I give a $1 for micro:bit users and post on the micro:bit slack community forum
Edit edit: can the stats appear on the patreon? I was going to reference the stats in other forums but then thought it could be a "good" place for the stat
Edit edit eDIT: espruino is not on LinkedIn: business exposure and I wasn't able to add with reference to a LinkedIn Company for patronage (I didn't get kudo points for my cv: there is no self-less act)As usual, no comment needed for above: but think about the LinkedIn Company Precense
Hmmm, power requirements and software: but looks nice as a broach/plaything for my daughter.
Just have to find time to pin the thing
CJMCU-2812-61 CJMCU-21812B-8 (behind puck.js: to be detached from concentric rings)
CJMCU-21812B-24The thin wood that one may have noticed in the picture? Wait and see :)
I remember something about a ping pong ball being used to disperse/blend the light more.
It could be neat with "something" there such that the RGB can in some way be mixed better.
My daughter and I are playing with the lights: but I have to go into figure it out to get a better mixing.
She is delighted with her puck.js -
The Things Network, Denmark as if I do not get more on my local city project, I don't get help setting up my local test setup .
See pic above with puck.js and some cards.
Wonders if @MaBe is on the things ...Not relevant for this comment, but a holder for some info when I get some back
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6242999873143078912/ shows the new nRF5 with a question from meEdit:
3 GW's for TTN i Silkeborg are now sponsered: parts on the table, but ... ill: so not this weekend.https://github.com/ttn-zh/ic880a-gateway/wiki Gonzalo, from the espruino community guide, is the setup(s)
- for Windows and Linux - yep: it has what it takes for hard core.
Runs without installation, and even looks good for it's age on Windows 10.
A program to have in one's tool box I think: Thanks DrAzzy.
- for Windows and Linux - yep: it has what it takes for hard core.
Or even smaller: but there might be problems with some approval EMC or what not
https://github.com/OSHChip/OSHChip_V1.0_Docs -
Market research:
https://redbear.cc/product/ble.htmlAnd strange how few pins are exposed:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/redbearinc/bluetooth-5-ready-ble-module-nano-2-and-blend-2And who is using espruino:
https://github.com/redbearEdit: from Gordons comment below
http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13453118/ : keeping Espruino going with backers and keep things simple by just buying Espruino: which is good enough for me.
"Nobody needs to fight for what is right" -
https://github.com/lrnzzz/RN2483-LoRa-Shield is the shield
Some guy sold me a nRF52 device that is neat.
Trying to find some spring loaded connectors or else risk having to buy more devices from a guy if I make mistake with soldering.
Code ?- hmm, Espruino was my best bet.
@gnz is zurich the things network
github is a great place to post WIP ...
https://github.com/lrnzzz/RN2483-LoRa-Shield/issues/2 is a request for a puck.js footprint
- in the meantime, I drill in the two boards I have and cross my fingers with the construction process
By the way, things go slow at times cos the kids are building ...
Edit: Probably wrong thread
- hmm, Espruino was my best bet.
If you can see the puck.js advertisement, ie the EspruinoWebIDE shows the puck.js as a choice, but connect fails: check the battery ie use another.
My puck.js has had intensive testing over the last couple of weeks with led's turned on a lot as my daughter loves the click, change color, plus other tests. This has has resulted in a very tired battery.
I observed during sw testing, an advertisment but no connect: lucky I had a couple of new unopened puck.js's in my pocket and took a battery from one of those.
This morning, I have now replaced the good battery with the bad battery and can confirm the observation: advertisment but no connect, check battery
I think from Gordons comment, I may try and see if there is a battery service via BLE that one can query that can indicate that one's battery is almost gone.
This can give a 5 min warning about impending problems. -
may help in the porting to Espruino puck.js :)
It would be nice to get this "on the net" with a puck.js as I think the old lego controllers are fun and a good kids thing for a puck.js
Could also stop the throwing away of good plastic and electronics
Two puck.js's are in the hands of a Coding Pirate in Aalborg.
Three in Silkeborg, 1 for anyone wishing hands on and a map of Denmark.https://codingpirates.dk/afdelinger/
No need for any comment: getting kids to use the puck.js is going to be fun.
And don't forget to leave "over the top reviews" on tindie to keep Gordon going
https://www.tindie.com/products/gfwilliams/espruino-puckjs/ -
Could not find a broadcom: I create a virtual 7 and make a how to to get further with doc for 7 and what is needed to get it to work
Note:- requires user to follow an installation of the components needed for a github clone until certainty as to what the issue is
- hopefull sucess: a clear doc for Gordon to say ok for with a Native that is working for Windows 7 to 10 with the present sw.
Windows Update
Install chrome ;)
Collect a lot of software (list to be written in from contents of download folder)
https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#installation for windows with option 1 as preference
had to go for option 2 : remember 8.1 requirements to be added (not doc'ed in gyp)
(maybe the reason for fail with option 1 https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/issues/1116)https://github.com/sandeepmistry/node-bluetooth-hci-socket ensure example works with bluetooth
Taking a long time as my laptop disk is full and I have to continually find more to delete
Sorry for the delay: still deleting files and the window 7 Visual studio needed repairing :: takes a LONG time
winnus has a problem: WIP
- requires user to follow an installation of the components needed for a github clone until certainty as to what the issue is
I hit bedrock with usb problems on this one: issues for something or other in windows 10 and all that.
I take a headache tablet and do a very low level node-gyp tutorial and work up to usb: in the meantime, something might get fixed.Edit:
Roll on Microsoft Windows Desktop on Canonical Ubuntu: this year? -
Having written an "Edit" in http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13472214/ I found it necessary to make a post as I think there is an issue in the bundled node-bluetooth-hci-socket
Take ones time and read thru my edited comment.
I will try for a compile of a native Web IDE and compare to the one downloaded from Espruino.Note:
Close but no cigar ... yet.
clone EspruinoWebIDE node-bluetooth-hci-socket noble
npm install node-bluetooth-hci-socket noble from _the_cloneddirsAltered console message
We have chrome.serial - not using 'serialport' module 'noble' module couldn't be loaded, no node.js Bluetooth Low Energy Error: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. \\?
Noble ok in node_modules ie my windows 10 is A-OK ...?C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble>node examples\advertisement-discovery.js peripheral discovered (dff5a5ec431b with address <df:f5:a5:ec:43:1b, random>, connectable true, RSSI -53: hello my local name is: Puck.js 431b can I interest you in any of the following advertised services: ["6e400001b5a3f393e0a9e50e24dcca9e"] peripheral discovered (bc1485e88e81 with address <bc:14:85:e8:8e:81, public>, connectable true, RSSI -60: hello my local name is: [TV] UE48J5515 can I interest you in any of the following advertised services: [] here is my manufacturer data: "7500420401018fbc1485e88e81be148564cf4024000000000000"
WIP reclone from github and repeat testsNOTE: using C:\nwjs\nwjs-sdk-v0.20.1-win-x64
git clone --recursive https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoWebIDE.git
Confirmed? upstream issues with nobel npm modules from npm
C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble>node examples\advertisement-discovery.js C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\bluetooth-hci-socket\lib\usb.js:70 throw new Error('No compatible USB Bluetooth 4.0 device found!'); ^ Error: No compatible USB Bluetooth 4.0 device found! at BluetoothHciSocket.bindUser (C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\bluetooth-hci-socket\lib\usb.js:70:11) at BluetoothHciSocket.bindRaw (C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\bluetooth-hci-socket\lib\usb.js:28:8) at Hci.init (C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble\lib\hci-socket\hci.js:101:35) at NobleBindings.init (C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble\lib\hci-socket\bindings.js:82:13) at new Noble (C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble\lib\noble.js:50:18) at Object.<anonymous> (C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble\index.js:4:18) at Module._compile (module.js:570:32) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10) at Module.load (module.js:487:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12) C:\source\repos\github\espruino\EspruinoWebIDE\node_modules\noble>
Warning Will Robertson:
The link in the automatic tweet leads to blank blog and not to the why of the campaign.
Further info. There is a difference, if not logged in (typical reader) then one lands correctly in the why of the campaign. There could be some who are logged in (cos they sponsor another cause) and land on posts and not the why (edge case, they probably know where to look for why as they are either sponsor or sponsered)