I wasn't gonna mention electron, yet.
In the area of micro:bit and https://pxt.microbit.org/ an electron app was under way, but was taking too much time, so a while, I maintained a way of running pxt as ... an electron app which can still work but MS is almost finished and it's usage was nearly finished in relation to my use.
https://github.com/microbit-drill/epxt -
... To be added soon
Does anyone have something working that can be added in docs?
Thx for the thoughts, you're right that probably the accelerometer is
the best choice of course. ADXL345 has free fall detection, I am
currently investigating this. The problem is that the puck is such a
nice package, even a lanyard can be attached. Now the extra cables for
the accelerometer will require new 3d printing for another case, etc.I have two choices, Freescale MMA8653FC (why is a "bit" complicated) and BNO055 as I have heard it is easy https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-bno055-absolute-orientation-sensor/overview
As such, mag and accel in one small tight package and is "interesting" if it works.
I receive a ND0055 Arduino shield soon, and will be trying it against nRF52-dk and probably a puck.js (documentation)This package is nice and square https://www.tindie.com/products/onehorse/tca9548a-i2c-multiplexer/?pt=full_prod_search
This package is nice and round with processor https://www.tindie.com/products/FabLab/the-sensable-thing-pico-platinchen/?pt=full_prod_search
Well, it may happen if I can scale down this setup.
I just received the puck.js and am examining how to create more place but keeping it's nice looks.
In the case of solar power I am considering how to place females inside the case for power males (pins and sockets) and possible flash from something like the white battery/sun panel unit that is quiet cheap from chinaThe middle board is realtime clock and SD Card with prototype area.
One can get them a lot smaller and fit in the battery/sun panel unit and of course one can take the puck.js out of it's box and perhaps remove battery holder for flatness.If nRF52 is important, and quantity known, there are discussions on a possible flat pcb for nRF52
Do you know how big the flash has to be? can something a bit less than 1MByte be enough???
Having made a cardboard cube to find out if the size feels right, one could also consider what to do with the boring base, add wheels and some light sensor(s) and http://ozobot.com/ as an add-on "when/if the time is right" either by oneself or by peripheral suppliers to a proven espruino sw base.
Make sure the cube has some means to be pinned into for some form of bigger bot so the kids have something a bit bigger at some time
I mean, this is just plain ugly
https://www.kitronik.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/bbc_microbit_line_following_buggy_top_870.jpgEven after a bit of presentation work, there are still "big problems" and in the end, one says to one's self "there must be a better way"
What would make one version of a cube case, look at the espruino logo: the handle of the coffe cup could also have a function, what about a set of rgb's nicely down it?Edit:
Or just a Big Red Button on the top of the handle and use the hollow of the cup for cool things like a couple of buttons and a 5x5 led display add on or what about a 5x5x5 RGB Led stack.
The hollow of the cup could also just be a place to put one's puck.js so one can find it again while making integrations between the cubebit.js and the puck.js
Put the cubebit.js on another add on, an induction charger where the internal coil supplies power to the rechargeable batteries as another add-onPeripheral business with suppliers of well thought out add-ons who can also take some of the pain of assembly and test of possible DIY espurino kits
Breadcrumbs: bear with me.
Leads to http://www.picaxe.com/BBC-microbit/ and a sale of a serial to bluetooth usb device
http://www.picaxestore.com/index.php/en_gb/bled112.html £10Given a good basic pcb, one could achieve:
a nice thing for a pc overcoming the present Windows problems with ble/usb (at some stage maybe not a problem anymore)
A gateway between the pi (which runs ble) and micro:bits with python that are propriety nRF radio for play and learn with such exotic things as a lead less version of
http://www.techradar.com/how-to/computing/how-to-make-a-minecraft-gesture-controller-with-the-bbc-micro-bit-1318077A local british supplier of components needed for other uses than the immediate espruino type usage
As allready indicated with a form for module based building blocks, back to
nRF52840 v's nRF52832BBC micro:bit failed in connection with ram: onboard python does not fit with BLE support.
One never knows when something where more ram/flash good to have (other aspects of v5 of bluetooth are not analysed)If the main nRF5x pcb can support both, and one has not too much stock of 52832, an upgrade is a commodity exploit so hackers can have fun with more for about the same price.
A question of timing and not underestimating the future demands of a well thought out product.
I know the component is not the nRF52, but a raytac so I can begin to visualise sizes as upverter has some nice diagram pcb 3d quickies .
The rest of the work is fill in the dots.https://upverter.com/OwenBrotherwood/4a5b41325e807fb1/cubejs/
It is the classic "what will the customer pay" and what do I want to earn and how much time to earn :)
I only put up prices to get the ball moving :)
I think that kits sound good: 35/2 gives a good enough price where the third is great if one has not made a mistake in soldering etc so one has at least 2 that work when one is finished doing what one wants.
So now it is a question of what the breakout boards could hold.
It looks like SMD and can one have place for a couple of other interesting SMD's so that the kit is tight and one can perhaps make a cube.js where one has a main pcb stacked on top of, for example, RN2483 and perhaps another board for power or other things.
Finish of in a nice black cube case for those that wish to do so.Edit:
Power : PLEASE, some rechargeable coin/small battery solution: can make the cube go a bit cube on large base square but that is the price to pay to help the environment/get rid of cables.
Batteries cost extra -
triangulation of workers with edison beacons to help people find people in a business where people keep moving desk and the address book cannot keep up.
Point of Presence
I have no need to sell a product: who ever wants to do this... go for it
But for play and learn with kids, need an accelerometer :) -
As the puck.js is using the raytac and as I-Syst has not replied to my email then some form of collection of a nr of raytacs would be great.
As to getting to 100, then this is "interesting".
If Gordon can at least get a nr of devices to europe and can distribute as raw, with mark up for costs, then it could be a way forward where the device is used as one wishes with aim for the breakout.
What would I give for a europe price for one raw device? maybe about 7 euros excl p/p as a round price. Would also be happy paying less as I would need to buy a magnifying glass for the connections on the raytac.
PCB solution, let us say about 14 euros excl p/p for device and pcb
nRF52-DK sets top price for what is on board at 40 euros (the price of a Pi3) so an interesting device with bells and whistles is about 30 euros.Edit micro:bit is about 15 euros that give a puck.bit at about 20 euros
I have two nRF52DK's at the moment: so Denmark is "easy" for possible help in connection with time and POC.
I have also some friends that are getting more and more hooked with nRF52's contra Pi's so there are hands available.Edit:
I have a lot of thoughts as to how to get an order of over 100 units : WIP
My drains have gone so I spend this weekend digging up the garden so I will try and leave bread crumbs for my thoughts in the various forums and guage reaction.Edit:
With information, I can create the jig in Denmark if wished as this could be a good usage of my time and enable me to obtain new knowledge and save Gordon time so that things are possible.
The jig could then be sent to Gordon in return for some "stuff" -
"The problem is that the puck is such a nice package, even a lanyard
can be attached"I just received my puck.js and note an indention half way up the black case that seems to fit the flexible white cover.
Have people used this to allow for small extra's under the battery?I was also pleasantly surprised at finding the small pin intentions in the bottom of the black case to allow for keeping the nice package and either permanent or temporary pins going out of the bottom to a possible extra black package payload area with same diameter or possible other forms.
I look around to see what people are using them for.
I then started reading from the beginning of the forum and found the start of hansamann subject which is a good one.
My own wish is funnily enough to place some accelerometer in or under the nice package as the kids love accelerometers for some reason.
Example: In denmark, one group of kids are putting micro:bits on paper planes and measuring the time of flight.Edit:
Are there extra cases available, it looks like the pins are symetrical allowing two black based to be affixed with pins.
puckle.js being a device with a nRF52 leds button mag on one "side", and another button leds and accel (and maybe som prototype area) with extra battery on the other side.Edit:
One could have the color of the puckle.js side as red and forget the lights: Big Red Button...Edit:
Big Red Button just needs a turn on for the led R...
Now I have another form for puckle.js with place for cool things.Edit:
Within 5 min of walking down the corridor, I have obtained one or two customers for Gordon that ensure support for Espruino and what Gordon feels he will use time on.
I have obtained a couple of the card holders which I will experiment on.
OK OK, I know I said all projects on hold before I do some doc for myself and others but this project gives immediate feedback and I have a group meeting on tuesday that will also be "interesting" to guage the reaction.Edit:
Got a Big Red Button working: just have to program for green yellow and red for "system status" -
@Adam79 had previously found the price of $10 https://www.seeedstudio.com/MDBT42Q-nRF52832-based-BLE-module-p-2736.html contra the $28 http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=61707 which could have been easier for pin connection.
Edit: now $18 for IMM-NRF52832 https://www.tindie.com/products/hnhoan/nrf52832-ant-bluetooth-le-arm-cortex-m4f-30-io/
I am struggling, as usual.
https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoWebIDE wasn't working for me from "source".
nw was not available.
I noted from the first post:Install node-webkit with sudo npm install -g nw
Now I am getting a nw (just some missing libraries I need to find)
Did I miss something obvious in the https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoWebIDE README.md?
PR would be in Markdown with full compliance to what I can see in docs repro for devices.
Basically the same difference as the http://www.espruino.com/ESP8266 as a espruino board contra a device one can use with espruino where the nFR5x is just another component in what ever one wants to achieve with espruino on or using a nRF5x in it's most basic form before being just a very very small chip without crystal or other components necessary for it's operation. -
http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13446397/ is updated with information, in particular, a guess at price difference for two boards with 42 contra 50.
Note that the post will be edited for a while but this is the last time I draw notice to the fact.
PR for component MTBT42 MTBT41 is "ready" if I the community thinks it a good idea. -
I was looking thru the docs, for some reason I do it a lot just now, and I did not find a MDBT42 device (https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoDocs/tree/master/devices ).
Why would I want to find it?
As a device, the MDBT42 is not a board but a component one may wish to add to some hardware to run espruino (https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=54020) or to an espruino board as a coprocessor (either running espruino or RTOS).
I would suggest that the MDBT42 and MDBT41 be added as a device so that easy PR's can help me find out how to investigate what bootloader is available on the MDBT41 I have in preperation for the MDBT42 (or MDBT5X :) )
I can start with a basic picture doc and pdf as a PR which then can be added to by the people who really know what they are doing. -
A couple of links to keep some thoughts in one place:
If the price is the same, are there sufficient advantages to wait for a supplier for the nRF52840
https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/nRF52840If the need for a breakout is "now", can the two products use the same PCB.
Experience with a nRF52840 Note that the board is Preview
Europe: https://www.rutronik24.com/product/nordic/nrf52840-pdk/8266970.html
USA: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=65644
Digi-key: http://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=nRF52840 not available "just now"At this time, http://www.raytac.com/ has no nRF52840 and probably first after Preview.
Bootloader unknown on raytac: I have a raytac module that I can try and hook up to see if it has a bootloader (if I can find it and if I can find a magnifiying glass to be able to see the pins)
http://www.raytac.com/download/MDBT40/MDBT40%20spec-Version%20A5.pdfWhat is wanted from the PCB: some input is needed so that the most effective solution for Gordon is obtained.
I have some ideas but I am new "here" so I want to see what the community is asking for ..Edit:
http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=61707 IMM-NRF52832
It looks like an easier access to pins contra Raytac. I have not examined any other factor for the device. "making all its I/O available via 35 SMD/Through hole 1.27mm pitch pads." THROUGH HOLE: easier access to pins!!!!
This device has GREAT promise, all things being equal with pcb breakout already available.
They also document the need for bootloader : racal is a bit more unknown.
I concentrate a bit on this device. :( price is quite high
Edit: found another price $18 for IMM-NRF52832
https://www.tindie.com/products/hnhoan/nrf52832-ant-bluetooth-le-arm-cortex-m4f-30-io/ $12 each for 1000+ :)
Looks like a probable difference of price nrf52832 to nRF52840 of less than $4 "at the write time"I-SYST inc.
212-6415 Corbiere
Brossard, Qc.
Canada J4Z 0H7
email: info@i-syst.comHi i-syst, Is there a supplier for the IMM-NRF52832 in Europe that
also has the device in stock? Also the IBK-BLUEIO - Breakout board.
Are there any plans for a IMM- nRF52840 within the next month or so
with a possible price difference within 5 dollars? Best regards Owen
Brotherwood Denmarkhttp://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=61707
Price difference for basic part (while not knowing what CIAA-R contra other versions means) indicates double price ie difference of about $2 with possible percentage difference for a device of type "ratac" (or other similiar)
http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=63944 NRF52832-CIAA-R $2.89
http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=65645 NRF52840-QIAA-R $4.44
A link to such for SOIC/SMS footprints in relation to nRF5X?