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Member since Oct 2015 • Last active Sep 2024
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    Hey, sorry I totally missed the notification for your latest post above.

    I just resubmitted. Fingers crossed!

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    Just submitted the barebones draft for official review. It's pretty underwhelming but I'll expand it once approved.

    Apparently it can take up to 4 weeks??!

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    Hey Gordon,

    I just started on a draft page. But I should note that even though I've been consuming Wikipedia forever, this'll be my first contribution. And I don't want to anger the Wikipedia Gods by not correctly citing, etc., so it might be a day or two until I hit that publish button! Though I'll actually probably try to get a basic bare-bones page up asap, and then work on getting more detailed info after that.

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
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    I did a quick forum search and it doesn't look like anyone's talked about this app, so please forgive me if it's already been covered.

    In any case, I had a Sensordrone years ago and used to take readings from it using an app called Sensors Toolbox from Mobili. On a random whim I downloaded their new replacement app called IoTool today and it just so happens to have a Puck plugin and you can collect live sensor and button readings pretty easily.

    Thought I'd throw that out there if anyone might be interested.


    P.S. No, I don't work for them or anything like that.

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    Could I bother you to put up the exact code you're using? (If it's different at all from what I'm doing.) I ask because I get the 255 code instead of 30.

    I'm pretty confident it's not a hardware or wiring thing. I don't have success between two picos each using the shim either, and there's no wiring mistakes to make there. And I've tested my soldering for shorts, etc.

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    Apologies for asking my first question and then going M.I.A. for a week. Bad form on my part.

    In any case, here's a bit of code for a "beacon" Pico, with the receiver Pico having essentially the same code. As it is here it runs fine, but if I switch over to the commented out software SPI portion, I get a "TX timeout". I've tried on multiple Pico/NRF24 combos so it shouldn't be a hardware issue.

    Thanks for taking a look!

    SPI1.setup( { sck: B3, miso: B4, mosi: B5 } );
    var nrf = require( "NRF24L01P" ).connect( SPI1, B6, B7 );
    //var spi = new SPI();
    //spi.setup( { sck: A1, miso: A3, mosi: A2 } );
    //var nrf = require( "NRF24L01P" ).connect( spi, A0, A10 );
    var ledValue = 1;
    var dataLine = "";
    function onInit() {
       nrf.init( [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2] );
       sendData( 'PING' );
    function sendData( value ) {
       digitalWrite( LED2, ledValue );
       ledValue = !ledValue;
       nrf.sendString( value );
       setTimeout( sendData, 2000, 'PING' );
    function receive() {
       dataLine = "";
       while ( nrf.getDataPipe() !== undefined ) {
          var data = nrf.getData();
          for ( var i in data ) {
             var ch = data[i];
             if ( ch === 0 && dataLine !== "" ) {
                console.log( dataLine );
                if ( dataLine == 'PING' ) {
                   digitalWrite( LED2, ledValue );
                   ledValue = !ledValue;
                dataLine = "";
             } else if ( ch !== 0 ) {
                dataLine += String.fromCharCode( ch );