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Hey Gordon,
I just started on a draft page. But I should note that even though I've been consuming Wikipedia forever, this'll be my first contribution. And I don't want to anger the Wikipedia Gods by not correctly citing, etc., so it might be a day or two until I hit that publish button! Though I'll actually probably try to get a basic bare-bones page up asap, and then work on getting more detailed info after that.
The naming is definitely confusing. This is the main app:
I did a quick forum search and it doesn't look like anyone's talked about this app, so please forgive me if it's already been covered.
In any case, I had a Sensordrone years ago and used to take readings from it using an app called Sensors Toolbox from Mobili. On a random whim I downloaded their new replacement app called IoTool today and it just so happens to have a Puck plugin and you can collect live sensor and button readings pretty easily.
Thought I'd throw that out there if anyone might be interested.
P.S. No, I don't work for them or anything like that.
Could I bother you to put up the exact code you're using? (If it's different at all from what I'm doing.) I ask because I get the 255 code instead of 30.
I'm pretty confident it's not a hardware or wiring thing. I don't have success between two picos each using the shim either, and there's no wiring mistakes to make there. And I've tested my soldering for shorts, etc.
Apologies for asking my first question and then going M.I.A. for a week. Bad form on my part.
In any case, here's a bit of code for a "beacon" Pico, with the receiver Pico having essentially the same code. As it is here it runs fine, but if I switch over to the commented out software SPI portion, I get a "TX timeout". I've tried on multiple Pico/NRF24 combos so it shouldn't be a hardware issue.
Thanks for taking a look!
SPI1.setup( { sck: B3, miso: B4, mosi: B5 } ); var nrf = require( "NRF24L01P" ).connect( SPI1, B6, B7 ); //var spi = new SPI(); //spi.setup( { sck: A1, miso: A3, mosi: A2 } ); //var nrf = require( "NRF24L01P" ).connect( spi, A0, A10 ); var ledValue = 1; var dataLine = ""; function onInit() { clearInterval(); nrf.init( [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2] ); sendData( 'PING' ); } function sendData( value ) { digitalWrite( LED2, ledValue ); ledValue = !ledValue; nrf.sendString( value ); setTimeout( sendData, 2000, 'PING' ); } function receive() { dataLine = ""; while ( nrf.getDataPipe() !== undefined ) { var data = nrf.getData(); for ( var i in data ) { var ch = data[i]; if ( ch === 0 && dataLine !== "" ) { console.log( dataLine ); if ( dataLine == 'PING' ) { digitalWrite( LED2, ledValue ); ledValue = !ledValue; } dataLine = ""; } else if ( ch !== 0 ) { dataLine += String.fromCharCode( ch ); } } } } onInit();