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Member since Sep 2015 • Last active Nov 2015
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    I found the OneWire library but apparently we can't we can't define the speed of the signal so I don't think I can use it because the timing is very important :s

    but the send4bit method have very interesting params

    bit0 The 4 bits to send for a 0 (MSB first)
    bit1 The 4 bits to send for a 1 (MSB first)

    we can define the timing, the shape of the logic levels, so yes that sounds great but .....
    I really don't like to plug the MISO and MISO pins together ... I found that a bit "dangerous" :s

    Gordon have you some example of project where this practice is used ?

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    Indeed, there is several command you can send to the controller, the 0b000000011 is to have the status of all the button/joystick.

    So If I understand properly:

    • I connect the data pin of the controller on the MOSI pin to use it to send command
    • I connect the data pin of the controller on the MISO pin to be able to read
    • I send a command via MOSI, and until I receive the response I don't send anything to avoid any shortcut ?
    • I receive my response so I can process stuff and be ready to send a new command.

    could you be more specific about what the"larger buffer" ? :)

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    Yes, the first diagram represent a "0" and the second a "1"
    I was thinking to split a "n64" bit in 4 bits
    so 0b0 will become 0b0001
    so 0b1 will become 0b0111

    I need to send 0b000000011 to the controller and it will answer me 33 bits (4 bytes of data and 1 bit stop)

    The N64 controller data consists of a 32 bit (4 bytes), which gives you the status (on/off) of all buttons and the joystick position (2 bytes) and one stop bit. The array is built up like this:

    So 0b000000011 will become 0b000100010001000100010001000101110111 so 36bits
    and the answer will be a 132 bits message.

    I'm not familiar with the protocol (UART, SPI), but I notice the SPI use two entries to deal with the emitter (MOSI) and the receiver (MISO).

    but the n64 controller use a unique cable to transmit the data. how can I plug this king of things to the espruino ?

    Hum I see

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    Hi guys,
    I want to use two espruinos pico with RF shield to remove the wire of my nintendo 64 controller
    but I was wondering, Can I generate a signal like this one with it ?
