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Member since Aug 2015 • Last active Feb 2017
  • 2 conversations

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  • Avatar for goliatone

    So I wonder if the inconsistency we see is with the puck originating the connection, and not so much with the puck accepting the connection.

    I'm wondering the same thing. I also wonder if caching the connection makes it less reliable. Will make a quick test and see.

    I've got the EspruinoHub up and running with some changes I made to it. Connecting to a puck seems very fast and reliable.

    I actually saw your cloned repo, and I'm testing that right now. One thing I noticed is when you look at the history of the files you modified you can't see the actual changes you made since the whole file seems to be different- due to formatting changes, maybe. I think it would be good if you contributed back your changes upstream, but I personally wouldn't accept a PR in the current state. Just my 2c.

  • Avatar for goliatone

    Ok, 1v90.12 fixes the error and the updated script.

    I see it fail, and then on next press it tries to connect again. However, quite often it will fail- red LED lights up- a few times in a row before the command it's sent successfully.

  • Avatar for goliatone

    There was a bug around promise rejection that was fixed by @Gordon link

    I have upgraded to 1v90.5 and I the issue seems to persist.

    The reason for the rejection is the pucks will disconnect from each other after a minute or two

    This makes sense.

    I noticed that the version provided in the link- 1v90.5- is not present in the "binaries folder".

  • Avatar for goliatone

    FYI The updated firmware provided in the previous post seems to be missing in the "binaries folder".

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for goliatone

    @dklinkman thanks for the reply. No, I have not updated the firmware. Will do.

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for goliatone

    I just got my Pucks and decided to start playing with them, I'm really impressed and I really like the quality of the hardware and how easy/smooth it was to get up and running.

    Following the tutorial Controlling Other Pucks I ran into an error:

    Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: undefined at line 34 col
    26 txType.writeValue('Puck.js d5b2').then(()=>{ in function called
    from system

    The code runs perfect initially, but when I click the central Puck after a couple minutes of inactivity I get the previous error. I wont post the source code since it's a copy paste from the tutorial.

    I find the error message confusing since the Promise seems to be handled?

    txCharacteristic.writeValue("toggle()\n").then(function() {
            digitalPulse(LED2, 1, 500); // light green to show it worked
            busy = false;
          }).catch(function() {
            digitalPulse(LED1, 1, 500); // light red if we had a problem
            busy = false;

    The peripheral Puck seems to be working OK. I modified the source to handle manual press

    var on = 0;
    function toggle() {
      on = !on;
      digitalWrite(LED, on);
    setWatch(toggle, BTN, {edge:'rising', debounce:50, repeat: true});
  • in General
    Avatar for goliatone

    I have an arduino sketch that I would like to port JavaScript and run on a pico.
    The sketch is reading input from pins 2 and 3 and then attaching two interrupts to get 0/1 bits.

    What would be the way to achieve this using a pico?

    The following is an excerpt of the sketch I'm using, I could post the whole script but I figured this encompasses the core of my question.

    void ISR_INT0()
        flagDone = 0;
        pulseCounter = WAIT_TIME;
    void ISR_INT1()
        databits[bitCount] = 1;
        flagDone = 0;
        pulseCounter = WAIT_TIME;
    void setup()
        pinMode(13, OUTPUT);   // LED
        pinMode(2, INPUT);     // DATA0 (INT0)
        pinMode(3, INPUT);     // DATA1 (INT1)
        while (!Serial);
        attachInterrupt(1, ISR_INT0, RISING);
        attachInterrupt(0, ISR_INT1, RISING);
        pulseCounter = WAIT_TIME;
    void loop()
        if (!flagDone)
            if (--pulseCounter == 0)
                flagDone = 1;
        // if we have bits and we the pulse counter went out
        if (bitCount > 0 && flagDone)
            //... logic removed
            bitCount = 0;