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This project is a wireless controlled 2 wheeled robot.
Master hardware:
-Espruino 1v54- Wii nunchuck (B10, B11)
NRF24L01P wireless chip
Master software code:var btn_state=false; var read_wii,wii_data,wii_data_new; SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7}); //I2C1.setup({scl:B6,sda:B7}); // slave I2C2.setup({scl:B10,sda:B11}); //master var nrf = require("NRF24L01P").connect( SPI1, B0, B1 ); var wii = require("wii_nunchuck").connect(I2C2); function onInit() { nrf.init([0,0,0,0,2], [0,0,0,0,1]); wii_data_new=wii_data; } onInit(); setInterval(function() { nrf.masterHandler(); }, 50); function start_wii_read(){ read_wii = setInterval(function(){ //console.log(JSON.Stringify(;; //console.log(; if(wii_data.btn.z!==wii_data_new.btn.z){ if(wii_data_new.btn.z){ wii_btn_z_press(); } else { wii_btn_z_release(); } } if(wii_data.btn.c!==wii_data_new.btn.c){ if(wii_data_new.btn.c){ wii_btn_c_press(); } else { wii_btn_c_release(); } } wii_data=wii_data_new; },20); } function stop_wii_read(){ clearInterval(start_read); } function wii_btn_z_press(){ //console.log("Z"); LED2.set(); nrf.sendCommand("MOTOR(0,1,0,1);",function(r){}); //nrf.sendCommand("LED2.set();",function(r){}); } function wii_btn_c_press(){ LED1.set(); nrf.sendCommand("MOTOR(1,0,1,0);",function(r){}); //console.log("C"); } function wii_btn_z_release(){ LED2.reset(); nrf.sendCommand("MOTOR(0,0,0,0);",function(r){}); //nrf.sendCommand("LED2.reset();",function(r){}); //console.log("stopZ"); } function wii_btn_c_release(){ //console.log("stopC"); LED1.reset(); nrf.sendCommand("MOTOR(0,0,0,0);",function(r){}); //nrf.sendCommand("LED1.reset();",function(r){}); //console.log("stopC"); } function led_on() { LED3.set(); } function led_off() { LED3.reset(); }; btn_watch_press = setWatch(function(){ if(!btn_state){ led_on(); start_wii_read(); } else { led_off(); stop_wii_read(); } btn_state=!btn_state; },BTN,{repeat:true,edge:'rising'}); btn_watch_release = setWatch(function(){ console.log(btn_state); },BTN,{repeat:true,edge:'falling'});
Slave hardware:
-Espruino 1v53
-L298N motor controller board with 2 hacked micro servo motor used as simple DC motor
-NRF24L01P wireless chip
-6xAA wired in series rechargeable 2000mAh battery
Slave software code:/* NRF24L01P - wireless */ SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7}); var nrf = require("NRF24L01P").connect( SPI1, B0, B1 ); function onInit() { nrf.init([0,0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0,2]); } onInit(); setInterval(function() { nrf.slaveHandler(); }, 50); /* motor controller */ var MOTOR_PINS=[C9,C8,C7,C6]; function MOTOR(val1,val2,val3,val4){ digitalWrite(MOTOR_PINS[0],parseInt(val1)); digitalWrite(MOTOR_PINS[1],parseInt(val2)); digitalWrite(MOTOR_PINS[2],parseInt(val3)); digitalWrite(MOTOR_PINS[3],parseInt(val4)); }
Sometimes NRF24L01P on master trow an error: TX not received 30
Wii nunchuk I2C port BUSY. Got error message when try to save() to master espruino.
Error message:INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read BUSY
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read SB
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive Mode
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive
INTERNAL ERROR: Timeout on I2C Read Receive
at line 1 col 23
{var a=b.readFrom(82,6);b.writeTo(82,0);return{joy:{x:(a[0]-127)/128,y:(a[1]-127)/128},acc:{x:(a[2]-127)/54,y:(a[3]-127)/54,z:(a[4]-127)/54},btn:{z:!(a[5]&1),c:!(a[5]&2)}}}^
in function "read" called from line 3 col 27
in function called from system
Execution Interrupted during event processing - clearing all timers and watches.Video:
- Wii nunchuck (B10, B11)
I'm a web developer in Hungary.
With espruino and javascript i will create small robots and publish them on blog.
Espruino Hungary blog: