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Thx. I get it now.
#1) So what's the point of combining the espruino bootloader in the firmware? to only offset the space for espruino runtime ?
#2) Shouldn't the "advanced flashing" overwrite it and normal updates should not overwrite? I imagine that the number of people doing "advanced flashing" are small and have the tools to re-flash with stm32 uart tools. I'm getting spoiled using espruino IDE :)
I have some questions about updating the espruino bootloader.But let me first explain what I done (sorry for the lengthy explanation)
I compiled successfully firmware 1v79 with the espruino bootloader combined then used the advance flashing in the IDE to update the original espruino board. All went ok, update successful.
Then I changed the pin definition for BTN1 to be on port A0 (i need this for my experiments) , re-compiled and all went ok again, new .bin was created.
I re-flashed again using advanced flash option and all went ok. I connected again with the IDE and typed BTN1 and it displays "A0" so things seem to be ok as far as my change.
Then I proceeded to test that the bootloader was using A0 port but it did not. it was still using the original port B12 attached to the pushbutton. I tried several times to re-flash but the results where the same. it seems that the my new espruino bootloader is not being replaced.I finally used stm32 flasher and UART to flash the very same .bin file i used previously and this time the espruino bootloader was updated and I was able to activated using port A0.
Why my espruino bootloader is not updated using the IDE-advanced flasher but it worked using STM32 flasher? what am I missing?
Excellent work. Is it possible to configure this to do "RawHID"?
It would be neat to be able to write/read raw hid reports. Kind of what teensy example -
I have a pico with an ESP8226 working and trying to move some code that I currently have from a node.js project but it seems that res.on('end') does not work in espruino.
In order to fix it, I have to change the event from 'end' to 'close'.
I also tried changing my nodejs app to use 'close' but It does not work there, I know it's an easy change but I was tying to have the code compatible with node.js and espruino.
Is there a way to add the event 'end' in the http response in espruino?
Code not working in espruino pico