Basically it's like the title says, my bangle suddenly stopped sending any data to gadgetbridge after I started recording my morning walk. Syncing the activity data hangs at "starting...", and I'm not getting notifications anymore. Not entirely sure where to start looking for the issue.
I've been running the nightly version of gadgetbridge (currently a90e1be0e) and I recently upgraded my watch firmware to v2.22 after the last time this happened a week ago. Any ideas where to start?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hey all,
Basically it's like the title says, my bangle suddenly stopped sending any data to gadgetbridge after I started recording my morning walk. Syncing the activity data hangs at "starting...", and I'm not getting notifications anymore. Not entirely sure where to start looking for the issue.
I've been running the nightly version of gadgetbridge (currently a90e1be0e) and I recently upgraded my watch firmware to v2.22 after the last time this happened a week ago. Any ideas where to start?