Avatar for JeonLab


Member since Mar 2024 • Last active May 2024
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    Usually when you connect with the IDE, the Bangle doesn't get paired with the OS bluetooth so doesn't need removing.

    Oh, I see. Good to know.
    Thank you, Gordon!!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    For the last few weeks, it happened again a few more times that my Bangle.js 2 wouldn't connect to my iPhone's Bluetooth after using Web IDE even though I always pressed the button long before disconnection of the Web IDE.
    I was frustrated and did some more tests and finally (I think) found a solution. That is to remove the Bangle.js 2 from my laptop's Bluetooth device list and then turn on the Bluetooth on my phone.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    The best feature of Bangle.js 2 is the memory LCD in my opinion. You don’t need to tilt, touch or press a button to check time, date, steps or any other info you’d like to see if you have set up your clock and widgets. I have used TicWatch pro GPS for a while and I loved their dual screen with the LCD on top of the color screen. That really saves a lot of battery and finger or wrist interaction. So if there will be the next versions, I’d like to keep the same or better(bigger) memory LCD.
    Speaking of the size of the screen, if there is any LCD about 1.4-1.5 inches, that would be perfect. I found those tiny fonts are hard to read even with my reading glasses on.
    I’ve been using my Bagle.js 2 a couple of months now and I love it.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    @Gordon and @halemmerich, thank you for your replies.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    Thanks again, Gordon.
    I'm currently using web browser based Github so can't use the commands. Can I?
    So, I just created a new folder and manually rename and move those files. It was not a big deal since there were not that many files to move.
    I really appreciate all your patient help and suggests.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    @Gordon, as always, thank you so much for your review and good advice. I will make the changes and open a PR.

    Is there an easy way to change the filename from font_Korean to fontKorean other than creating a new folder and adding files in there and delete the old one?

    One more question: I know this is a question about Github, but couldn't find a good answer from Google. For those two apps I made (copied from others :)) have so many commits while I was testing, adjusting, etc. I wonder if I need to clean up those commits before opening a PR. If so, how do you do that in web browser based Github?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    @Gordon, could you please review following two apps I have added to my forked repository and let me know if I need to correct anything? I have tested both apps on my Bangle and worked fine.


  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for JeonLab

    @Gordon, thank you for your detailed explanation as always.
    I was trying to make (copy parts of other's) a clock app and plan to make a golf GPS app soon (months or years?? :-)), so I made a fork of the App Loader already, but there hasn't been any progress since then.
    Thanks again and I hope I can contribute more actively to this amazing community.
