Avatar for houshou_m


Member since Oct 2023 • Last active Apr 2024
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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    Hmm, alright. I was just curious. I didn't know SMS messages are handled differently. Thank you.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    Maybe I'm misremembering, but I swear the messaging app used to show the sender's name for texts. I don't see that anymore. Has it always been like this? I have the privacy mode set for both calls and messages to display everything, and I'm using Bangle.js Gadgetbridge nightly version 0.77.0-banglejs-275deb4d0, commit 275deb4d0.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    I'm happy to report that everything is fixed for me as well. Thank you!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    Updated to .84 and the problem is only partially solved for me. The message dismisses itself still so that the widget doesn't display, but I can see the message in the messaging app now. I'll have to provide a log later.

    EDIT: Log sent via DM. I got the pop up notification, but no widget appeared after I ignored it to show that there was an unread message on my phone. The messages were accessible from the messaging app like normal, however.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    I updated to 2v19.75 after seeing this thread since I'd like to wear my watch on my right hand and then noticed that my messages are no longer being retained on the watch. The notification that I got a message will appear, and then the message will disappear as if I had dismissed it. This happens with all messages, and they don't show up in the messaging app either. I updated to .79 today, but the issue persists. Is this problem unique to me?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    I think it would be a good idea to edit the title of this thread to include "[Solved]" in it without the quotes so that others can see this issue has been taken care of.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    I'm pleased to say that I can also report that the issue seems to be resolved now. No problems with either the initial notification or opening the message in the messaging app.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    This site has a download to a text file containing every character in the Big5 encoding scheme for Traditional Chinese characters, sorted by frequency of use. Although it's from the 90s, the corpus it pulls from is huge, having over a million tokens. It was compiled by an academic source.

    For Simplified Chinese, one can consult the PRC's Table of General Standard Chinese Characters (Tongyong Fangui Hanzi Biao 通用规范汉字表). It consists of over 8000 characters and is divided into three tiers from most to least frequent, per the government's analysis. You can download a text file of it here at Wikisource. Once downloaded, you will see that each tier is enclosed in curly brackets.

    Per the document, tiers one and two consist of 3500 & 3000 characters respectively and meet the needs of the sectors for education and publication. Tier three consists of an additional 1605 characters and includes characters you'll see in names, technical jargon, and idioms from classical literature (i.e. archaic words). The characters within each tier are not sorted by frequency (the first person pronoun wo 我 appears in spot 761, for example), so this source is more providing batches of characters one is likely to encounter.

    Between the two of them, the Traditional Chinese source has the better frequency sorting, but in the grand scheme of things, both should fulfill the need of knowing which characters are essential. Now, there's no definite answer to the question of how many characters you should take from each. Due to the poor organization of the PRC's character list, I wouldn't take less than 3500 so that the essentials can be covered. In the Traditional character list, that would cover characters up to the 99.68 percentile in usage.

    EDIT: I have talked it over with a colleague, and I think using 2500-3000 of the most common characters would sufficient if we're hurting for space. This site sorts Simplified characters by frequency, but they don't offer a text file of it. I don't really know what you'd need to make the locales, so do let me know. Depending on how you go about things, you don't need a separate list for Traditional characters, for example.

    EDIT 2 This would make an excellent reference for characters to have. Use unicode, of course, though.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for houshou_m

    There's a new cutting edge update --- 2v19.67. This update might resolve the issue of Chinese text displaying improperly within the messaging app itself, which is where you end up if you tap on the message when it is displayed. This is a separate issue to the matter of text not displaying properly when first shown on the watch. I have been working with 2v19.60 and can confirm that Chinese text now displays properly outside of the app --- i.e. when one views the message without interacting with it.

    @Gordon I will get back to you regarding a list of common Chinese characters. I am in fact aware of one that isn't sourced from an unthinking algorithm, but I would like to see if there are alternatives.
