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Member since May 2023 • Last active Jan 2025
  • 5 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for devsnd

    Wow, that's really cool @Gordon. I suppose Bluetooth support comes out of the box anyway for espruino? Does the WiFi work?

    Anyway, thanks for making this work, I was just about to cobble all these parts together somehow to have a similarly capable low cost device

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for devsnd

    Why @Gordon, thanks for your quick and thorough answer!

    I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear. I already extensively use the feature you described.

    What I can do now is this:
    bangle -> app loader on phone -> web IDE remote -> Web IDE on laptop

    What I'd like to do is:
    bangle -> app loader on phone -> web IDE remote -> development app loader on laptop

    So it would be great if the app loader could connect using the web IDE remote to the phone and therefore to the banglejs

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for devsnd

    It would be very convenient if I could connect the app loader to my bangle.js during development using a WebRTC connection. In this way I would never have to deconnect the watch from my phone and my phone remains the bridge for all development work for both web IDE and app loader.

    I would also be willing to try to implement such a feature if someone could point me in the right direction.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for devsnd

    Hey @ramzy23,

    Your code is slow because of overdraw. Overdraw means that you paint the same pixel over and over again, no matter if it has already been painted before. Since you step through your circle at 0.1 degree increments, it gets really expensive to draw your circle even in the emulator. The real hardware watch would take a lot longer still.

    I recommend looking at drawing algorithms using the implicit circle equation or the bresenham algorithm.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for devsnd

    @bobrippling Made a change to the time variable in the public GitHub version of doztime a few months ago.


    Maybe you need to modify your secret version of the app to contain the same changes for it to work?

    That's just a wild guess. Without any code to look at to reproduce the problem, it's going to be hard for the community to help you.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for devsnd

    So if I understand correctly, you already have the weather setup correctly so that it shows up in the widget bar, but you want to see the weather as one of the circles in the circles watch face?

    Did you try to tap on one of the circles and to swipe up/down/left/right to change the configuration? (This is how clockinfos are configurable in all watch faces that I know of)

    Sometimes it's a bit hard to find the correct clockinfo since swiping left/right changes which clockinfo (e.g. weather/health etc) is used and swiping up/down changes which specific data point of the clockinfo should be used (e.g. temperature/humidity/etc)

    I hope this is what you are looking for.

  • in News
    Avatar for devsnd

    Also a big thank you from my side. The amount of mileage I get out of this little smartwatch is incredible. @Gordon and all the other contributors, you rock!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for devsnd

    Maybe to add to that: even of you get bangle apps to work on another watch, you'll find out that many apps have been written for a specific watch (bangle 1 or 2 respectively) and that most apps just won't work nicely with another setup (e.g. rounded screens, more or less buttons, different screen resolution etc).

    So getting the runtime to work is already a lot of work, but then getting the User-Level software to work is another herkulean effort.

    But believe me, I also would love to have some more choice on the hardware side. Since you look for ruggedized, maybe my ruggedized cover[0] is something you'd like to have manufactured for you.

    [0] https://forum.espruino.com/comments/17490753/
