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Member since May 2023 • Last active Feb 2025
  • 6 conversations

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  • in ESP32
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    @enaon for me the WiFi is also kinda flaky. I'm trying to work around it in software now, by adding retries and reconnects, but it's far from ideal.

    I stumbled upon this article here (https://roryhay.es/blog/esp32-c3-super-mini-flaw) which basically says that there's a bunch of boards out there that have flawed PCB designs. I still have to get out my calipers to check if my board is one of the bad ones...

    @SimonGAndrews very interesting that you can reproduce on your S3. I won't be a big help in the investigation, except for trying out any new firmwares you prepare that you want tested in a c3 board... my time is very limited currently and software SPI is good enough for my purposes, as Gordon attests.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for devsnd

    Hey @SimonGAndrews,

    This is the board I'm working with: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006599448997.html

    Except for the SPI everything has been working nicely so far (BLE, WiFi), only exception being that the LED1 is on pin 8 for the super mini board. So I have to use D8 instead of LED1 to use the built in LED. Also, the LED is inverted, so I have to write(false) to turn it on

  • in ESP32
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    Thanks @Gordon, I thought the SPI bus would be buffered in hardware, but if it's a blocking operation either way, I'll just continue using software SPI and call it a day! Thank you for clearing that up.

  • in ESP32
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    Hey! I bought one of those tiny ESP32C3 Super Mini boards; I built and flashed the firmware for ESP32C3_IDF4 and it works nicely (tested all pins with a LED, at least). However, when I try to use hardware SPI, the board seems to reset. The bluetooth connection is interrupted and then my uploaded code into RAM is gone. However, when I use software SPI, it works fine.

    I'm trying to get the Nokia 5110 display to run, like described here: https://www.espruino.com/PCD8544

    The working code:

    var spi = new SPI();
    spi.setup({ sck:D4, mosi:D5 });
    var g = require("PCD8544").connect(spi, D3 /*DC*/, D2 /*CE*/, D1 /*RST*/, function() {

    and non working code using hardware SPI:

    SPI1.setup({ sck:D4, mosi:D5 });
    var g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI1, D3 /*DC*/, D2 /*CE*/, D1 /*RST*/, function() {

    The board already crashes upon calling the .setup function.

    EDIT: the board is running 2v24.196 right now, will try to flash a build from the current master branch to seew if it persists....

    Does anybody have an idea why this wouldn't work?

  • in ESP32
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    Wow, that's really cool @Gordon. I suppose Bluetooth support comes out of the box anyway for espruino? Does the WiFi work?

    Anyway, thanks for making this work, I was just about to cobble all these parts together somehow to have a similarly capable low cost device

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  • in Interfacing
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    Why @Gordon, thanks for your quick and thorough answer!

    I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear. I already extensively use the feature you described.

    What I can do now is this:
    bangle -> app loader on phone -> web IDE remote -> Web IDE on laptop

    What I'd like to do is:
    bangle -> app loader on phone -> web IDE remote -> development app loader on laptop

    So it would be great if the app loader could connect using the web IDE remote to the phone and therefore to the banglejs

  • in Interfacing
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    It would be very convenient if I could connect the app loader to my bangle.js during development using a WebRTC connection. In this way I would never have to deconnect the watch from my phone and my phone remains the bridge for all development work for both web IDE and app loader.

    I would also be willing to try to implement such a feature if someone could point me in the right direction.
