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Hey @SimonGAndrews,
This is the board I'm working with:
Except for the SPI everything has been working nicely so far (BLE, WiFi), only exception being that the LED1 is on pin 8 for the super mini board. So I have to use
instead ofLED1
to use the built in LED. Also, the LED is inverted, so I have towrite(false)
to turn it on -
Thanks @Gordon, I thought the SPI bus would be buffered in hardware, but if it's a blocking operation either way, I'll just continue using software SPI and call it a day! Thank you for clearing that up.
Hey! I bought one of those tiny ESP32C3 Super Mini boards; I built and flashed the firmware for ESP32C3_IDF4 and it works nicely (tested all pins with a LED, at least). However, when I try to use hardware SPI, the board seems to reset. The bluetooth connection is interrupted and then my uploaded code into RAM is gone. However, when I use software SPI, it works fine.
I'm trying to get the Nokia 5110 display to run, like described here:
The working code:
var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({ sck:D4, mosi:D5 }); var g = require("PCD8544").connect(spi, D3 /*DC*/, D2 /*CE*/, D1 /*RST*/, function() { g.clear(); g.drawString("Hello",0,0); g.drawLine(0,10,84,10); g.flip(); });
and non working code using hardware SPI:
SPI1.setup({ sck:D4, mosi:D5 }); var g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI1, D3 /*DC*/, D2 /*CE*/, D1 /*RST*/, function() { g.clear(); g.drawString("Hello",0,0); g.drawLine(0,10,84,10); g.flip(); });
The board already crashes upon calling the
function.EDIT: the board is running 2v24.196 right now, will try to flash a build from the current master branch to seew if it persists....
Does anybody have an idea why this wouldn't work?
Wow, that's really cool @Gordon. I suppose Bluetooth support comes out of the box anyway for espruino? Does the WiFi work?
Anyway, thanks for making this work, I was just about to cobble all these parts together somehow to have a similarly capable low cost device
@devsnd on github
Why @Gordon, thanks for your quick and thorough answer!
I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear. I already extensively use the feature you described.
What I can do now is this:
bangle -> app loader on phone -> web IDE remote -> Web IDE on laptop
What I'd like to do is:
bangle -> app loader on phone -> web IDE remote -> development app loader on laptop
So it would be great if the app loader could connect using the web IDE remote to the phone and therefore to the banglejs
It would be very convenient if I could connect the app loader to my bangle.js during development using a WebRTC connection. In this way I would never have to deconnect the watch from my phone and my phone remains the bridge for all development work for both web IDE and app loader.
I would also be willing to try to implement such a feature if someone could point me in the right direction.
@enaon for me the WiFi is also kinda flaky. I'm trying to work around it in software now, by adding retries and reconnects, but it's far from ideal.
I stumbled upon this article here ( which basically says that there's a bunch of boards out there that have flawed PCB designs. I still have to get out my calipers to check if my board is one of the bad ones...
@SimonGAndrews very interesting that you can reproduce on your S3. I won't be a big help in the investigation, except for trying out any new firmwares you prepare that you want tested in a c3 board... my time is very limited currently and software SPI is good enough for my purposes, as Gordon attests.