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I don't know for how long but debug menu option to spoof application (sender) is ommited and message is sent to bangle as shown on screenshots.I am almost certain that this option worked some time in past but as I had no interest for testing things I cannot confirm how long ago it broke.
I am using newest gadgetbridge for banglejs stable and newest bangle fw.
Thanks in advance.
I saw that my language is done mostly via translator. But having context of what I am trying to translate would help a lot.
Right now i have manually search for string to check for its context
I.E.:"circle 1": "krąg 1", "circle 3": "krąg 3", "circle count": "liczenie okręgów",
Which could be valid but in this case is wrong. In this case only one app is using those so finding this is easy.
For other strings I have to take a look in all occurrences to decide if those need to be addressed separately.
Tool you mentioned above helps with finding non-translated strings.Hope this clarify my use-case a bit.
Hi, is still refering to:You can run bin/language_scan.js to get a list of all the missing translations.
After some digging i found that current approach should be as in
Also I would like to have tool to search for app that is using certain translation to put it in context. I've done quick and dirty setup as proof of concept
cat pl_PL.json | jq 'del(.GLOBAL."//") | .GLOBAL | to_entries[] | "\(.key)"' | sed -e 's/^/\/\\*LANG\\*\//' > grep -r -E -f ../apps
It would be better to prepare something like this in js as this would be agnostic tool.
Totally not issue - just inconvenience during debug, with functions from Espruino IDE everything is ok.
And issue is totally worth filling. At first I was only confused and thought that bangle.js version is a fork and not officially supported.