Member since Apr 2023 • Last active Mar 2024Most recent activity
I did:
NRF.setAdvertising({}, { manufacturer: 0x0590, manufacturerData: [pushbuttonCounter] },{interval:20});but still get the same result (or actually a tiny slower). I get a burst of 5 lines printed every second or so. Would I need to change something on the bleak side?
Thanks @Gordon, works great!
what would be the best way to advertise more frequently ? ( the fastest we can) -
Hi Gordon,
I closed it because I realized it was a stupid mistake on my end ::)if you look closely , the midi send part isn't inside Puck.on('accel',function(a) {}
The code was working but I was just never calling that part¯_(ツ)_/¯
The if (active) statement is also completely useless ...This being said, using ble midi, needs the device to restart after uploading the code, meaning I need to flash vs ram. I noticed that after a few different uploads the device will start to act oddly ( aka bits of older code will still be there but merged with the new ones?)
In this case what is the best approach to avoid this or start fresh? hard reset? reset() + save() ?
thank you! -
I am trying to send midi cc only on motion detection, but I get nothing coming and the terminl issue me an error: WARNING: SD ERR 0x11 (BUSY) (:835)I am using require("puckjsv2-accel-movement").on(); and suspect I am using setservices twice then which could be the problem? but not really sure where to look at.
here is the code:
require("puckjsv2-accel-movement").on(); /// Sends a raw MIDI command function cmd(cmd, d1, d2) { NRF.updateServices({ "03B80E5A-EDE8-4B33-A751-6CE34EC4C700": { "7772E5DB-3868-4112-A1A9-F2669D106BF3": { value: [0x80, 0x80, cmd, d1, d2], notify: true } } }); } /// Send a 'control change' (0xB0) MIDI command function midisend(channel, controller, value) { cmd(0xB0+channel,controller,value); } function rescaleToMidiCC(value, oldMin, oldMax) { var newMin = 0; var newMax = 127; var rescaled = Math.round((value - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin) / (oldMax - oldMin) + newMin); rescaled = Math.min(127, Math.max(0, rescaled)); return rescaled; } /// Turns the device into a MIDI controller function init(name) { //NRF.setSecurity({passkey:"123456", lesc:1, bond :1}); NRF.setServices({ "03B80E5A-EDE8-4B33-A751-6CE34EC4C700": { // MIDI "7772E5DB-3868-4112-A1A9-F2669D106BF3": { readable: true, writable: true, notify: true, value: [0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] } } }); NRF.setAdvertising([ // Flags: LE Limited Discoverable Mode, BR/EDR Not Supported 0x02, 0x01, 0x05, // Complete Local Name: PuckCC 0x07, 0x09, name.charCodeAt(0), name.charCodeAt(1), name.charCodeAt(2), name.charCodeAt(3), name.charCodeAt(4), name.charCodeAt(5), // MIDI 0x11, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC7, 0xC4, 0x4E, 0xE3, 0x6C, 0x51, 0xA7, 0x33, 0x4B, 0xE8, 0xED, 0x5A, 0x0E, 0xB8, 0x03 ]); //NRF.startBonding(true); //NRF.setConnectionInterval(20); NRF.setTxPower(4); } init("PuckOI"); var idleTimeout; var active; Puck.on('accel',function(a) { LED.set(); active = true ; if (idleTimeout) clearTimeout(idleTimeout); idleTimeout = setTimeout(function() { idleTimeout = undefined; LED.reset(); active = false ; },1000); }); if (active) { print("yes"); //Puck.accelOn(); // default is 12.5Hz, with gyro //Puck.accelOn(1.6);// for 1.6Hz low power, without gyro // Turn events off with Puck.accelOff(); const accel = Puck.accel(); var x = ((accel.acc.x/128000)*10) *127; var y = ((accel.acc.y/128000)*10) *127; x = rescaleToMidiCC(x, -80, 80); y = rescaleToMidiCC(y, -80, 80); midisend(0,1,x); midisend(0,2,y); }
yea I sadly tried this one too ..
noble-mac isn't available on npm so I tried :
npm install git+ instead.but I still have the same errors as trying to install any version of noble I found. (screenshot attached)
got it working, as blemidi on osx is broken in term of auto reconnection I am basically making a workaround with advertisements. I am using the motion example, is there a way to advertise at interval 20 but only when the device is moving?
here is the code: