Avatar for lauzon


Member since Nov 2022 • Last active Oct 2024
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    Hmm, indeed. Thanks.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    Still nothing 😭. Is there a picture of the watch's internal somewhere that would show which device is the buzzer? (maybe some cleanup would do)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    Bangle.buzz() does nothing unfortunately. I also tried Bangle.buzz(10000, 1), maybe buzzing for a longer time would, I don't know, unstick things, but no, nothing either.

    I don't have installed any App with "quiet" in the App name.

    Here's the result for require("Storage").readJSON("setting.json"):

    ={ ble: true, blerepl: true, log: 0, timeout: 10,
      vibrate: true,
      beep: "vib",
      timezone: -4, HID: false,
      clock: "antonclk.app.js",
      "12hour": false, brightness: 1,
      options: { wakeOnBTN1: true, wakeOnBTN2: true, wakeOnBTN3: true, wakeOnFaceUp: false,
        wakeOnTouch: false, wakeOnTwist: false, twistThreshold: 819.2, twistMaxY: -800, twistTimeout: 1000 },
      theme: { fg: 65535, bg: 0, fg2: 65535, bg2: 8,
        fgH: 65535, bgH: 31, dark: true },
      clockHasWidgets: true,
      launcher: "dtlaunch.app.js",
      rotate: 0,
      touch: { x1: -4, y1: 32, x2: 196, y2: 177 }
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    On a Bangle.js2, firmware 2v23 and just confirmed again on 2v24, the vibration stopped working (e.g. no longer vibrating when swiping to pick a number, no longer vibrating on alarms that pop up), most of the time. 😢
    Vibration will work maybe once per day or less. It was working correctly on 2v23 until it started not working, so it probably has nothing to do with the firmware.

    Everything else is working. Didn't soak the watch, didn't hit it anywhere as far as I can tell.

    Any ideas?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    I like the idea of deciding to delete the event or not when it occurs. We already have buttons "Snooze" and "Stop", maybe just adding a third button "Del", left of "Snooze", would do the job?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    Thanks. I am tweaking alarm.app.js to have dated events, and I had a similar problem (which occurs depending on the time of the day + if you are in a negative or positive time zone) when I had to save the alarm date. I didn't notice we had access to toLocalIsoString, so at first I used the following instead (which we could use in the scheduler if we prefer to stay backward compatible):

    new Date(date - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString().slice(0,10)

    As you proposed, I'll document a failing example in the scheduler before proposing an official fix.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    Hi, I'm having a look at the scheduler (apps/sched/lib.js) for dated alarms (i.e. where alarm.date is given).
    Since the time of the alarm is relative to the current time zone, shouldn't the date of the alarm also be?
    If so, I think we should change the code there from:




    Would that make sense?
    There's a note on toLocalISOString that says the following, but I think this note applies to neither Bangle versions, right, so it shouldn't break anything?

    This is not available in devices with low flash memory

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for lauzon

    I got a bangle for one single reason: I wasn't able to find any other standalone watch that could input alarms for dated events with title/message. (Other watches show events from attached device's calendar - so not standalone, or allow to input text for alarms that can only be scheduled on a weekly basis, e.g. the WatchMinder. Doing a program on Android seemed too complicated, and battery life didn't seem that good, so Bangle looked promising.)

    So "sched" is already able to schedule that for us on the Bangle, but it needs the associated UI.
    A few steps in that direction:

    1. In the "New" menu of "Alarms & Timers", add an "Event" entry that will allow to input a date (and a message, if a keyboard is available) using standard menu entries - [Done]
    2. Add the possibility to input a message for the standard Alarm and Timers as well (if a keyboard is available) - useful for e.g. "don't forget to bring back milk when you're done with your 30 minute task" [Done]
    3. Add a "Repeat" parameter for the "Dated Event" (e.g. "20th of each month") [In progress]
    4. Add a setting to sort the alarms /timers/events in "Alarms & Timers" by time of next occurrence.
    5. Display the upcoming events/alarms on the clock when it is active. (with touch events to display more)
    6. Create a touch-enabled "date-picker" (I think I can have the day, month, year, hour, minute all touch-selectable in the same screen)
    7. Implement an automatic backup of the scheduled alarms/timer/events, or at least a watch-triggered backup (not sure yet how that will be done, hopefully it can be HTTPed somewhere, possibly on a local machine with a simple http file-upload service, TBD).
    8. Improve the Dragboard keyboard so that when we detect a change in direction (most likely because we went one or two characters too far away), it slows down when displaying the previous one or two characters, so that we don't go passed the wanted character again.