Avatar for ReiScarlett


Member since Aug 2022 • Last active Sep 2022
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ReiScarlett

    To test it out i simply spelled the authorization header differently. The webapp didn't take it of course, but it sent out.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ReiScarlett

    It worked for me with other headers.
    The main issue for me is with the Authorization header and that the PATCH method isn't implemented in Gadgetbridge

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ReiScarlett

    Hello, I've been trying to implement a simple app to access some data behind authorization and update it.

    I managed to get a simple HTTP request to work, but as soon as i add the Authorization header, I only get an UnsupportedOperationException back from GadgedBridge.

    Maybe this is a bug in the app?
    I attached my code with the url and token substituted:

    Bangle.http("https://example.com/ID", {timeout: 5000, headers:{
    Authorization: "TOKEN"}}).then(data=>{
      // Do stuff

    P.S. I noticed in the code for the app that there's no case to handle a PATCH http request. That might still be missing as well.
