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Member since Feb 2022 • Last active Feb 2024
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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for markcra

    Thanks @Gordon but that isn't necessary, I managed to open the watch (in the end used hot air as my heated bed wasn't doing the job and I didn't want to push the printer any higher) and although the button PCB didn't look out of place I pulled it out and put it back in and all seems to be well again. I just need to find a suitable adhesive for closing the screen back up. (attached photo taken before I removed the button PCB)

    I wonder if you might put a page on the bangle.js website with instructions on disassembly, I struggled to find any advice on a few attempts to find it then I struck gold with some posts here, namely https://forum.espruino.com/conversations/372404/.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for markcra

    I'm definitely up for repairing it and will have a go at removing the front glass with my printer's heated bed. Thanks Gordon.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Ah fair enough, I backed the kickstarter so I doubt there's any warranty on my watch.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for markcra

    My watch no longer powers up, it doesn't appear to be charging any more and without a button to press I have no way to nudge it into doing anything. @fritzfritz did you manage to repair yours yourself? Curious if I can do the same.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for markcra

    I'm also having trouble with the button on my Bangle.js 2. It has been living on the charger on my desk for some time now and I thought I'd wear it out tonight so I connected it, updated to the latest firmware, even added a few apps but then suddenly the button doesn't have the tactile click to it and I can't get the screen to unlock. The button is springy, I've tried wobbling it around a bit to see if I can 'unstick' it but to no avail. There's no audible or tactile click and the device behaves as if it's not been pressed. No chance of water damage as it has been stored on the stand for the last few months. Fingers crossed it frees up but judging by this and other posts I've found it doesn't sound terribly likely.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for markcra

    Many thanks @Gordon, for the prompt response and for all the work you've put into this.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for markcra

    Loving my Bangle.js 2 and I'd like to have a go at making my own charging stand. The official Bangle.js 2 charging dock (https://shop.espruino.com/espruino/banglejs2-dock) looks like it would be a great starting point and the page links to the open source files but can't click through nor find the files on Espruino's github (the broken link points to https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoBoard/tree/master/Bangle.js2).

    That said there's already a few 3d printed docks for the Bangle.js 2 (see http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/370792/) but since I was hoping to laser cut the majority of my stand I would have preferred the official design mentioned above.

    Here's hoping it's something obvious that I've missed.
