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Member since Feb 2022 • Last active May 2022
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for dukky

    @Gordon my firmware is 2v12, on a BangleJS 2 I bought about a week ago

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for dukky

    Also there seems to be something up with the altitude reading as I'm not underground! Is there any way to calibrate that altitude value to a known value/from GPS?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for dukky

    I tried the Barometer app (https://banglejs.com/apps/#barometer ) and get the following error:

    Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Cannot read property 'pressure' of undefined

    Digging into it, I found that the app only reads the pressure once and draws, rather than repeatedly updating. On my Bangle.js 2 at least, the first pressure read always returns undefined from the promise, I had a look at the Barometer code in jswrap_bangle.c but I'm not sure which hardware I have or how that C code works really, but it seems something's up with the first read.

    =Promise: {  }
    =Promise: {  }
    { "temperature": 28.54738006591, "pressure": 1031.94320908512, "altitude": -154.48409162262 }

    If I run Bangle.setBarometerPower(1) first then this isn't a problem, but the app isn't doing that.

    Is this expected behaviour for the Bangle.getPressure() function or should I submit a bugfix for the app until the underlying function is fixed?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for dukky

    Thanks @rigrig yep this is basically exactly what I wanted - though it has the issue of flashing to the previous brightness for a split second every time a new app loads while on the quiet mode. That's a pretty minor issue given I likely won't be interacting with the watch much while quiet mode is on.

    I wonder if there's a way of getting round that without also writing the global settings value like I'm doing above.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for dukky

    I've been looking at making an app to allow easy changing of screen brightness, wake behaviour (basically to run before bed). Did you get anywhere with the app you mentioned in the first post for scheduling changes like this? If not then this might be something I'll pick up.

    Right now I'm just testing reading and writing settings:

    settings = require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json', 1);
    if (!settings) load();
    if (settings.brightness != 0.1) {
      settings.brightness = 0.1;
    } else {
      settings.brightness = 1.0;
    require('Storage').write('setting.json', settings);

    EDIT: From actually reading the thread further it looks like some of these quiet mode scheduling apps might do what I want already, will have a look

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for dukky

    I've noticed a similar issue here - the lowest y value (at the top of the screen) I'm able to get is ~5 (though anything lower than 7 is rare), and that's with me tapping the bezel quite a bit above the screen.

    I think this might be causing me some issues with tapping on the Messages app icon that appears in the widgets toolbar

  • in Projects
    Avatar for dukky

    @Gordon is there a specific app available for the Bangle.js 2 to send Google Maps navigation to the watch? I couldn't find anything in the App Loader
